cute boys

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Fine Line | matthew sturniolo

hannah's pov:

a clatter rings off the walls in the middle class home, as my mother drops her phone onto the marble tiles in the kitchen I run down stairs to see if she was alright. As I make my way down the four small steps, I see her blue eyes brimming with tears.

"hey, hey mum are you alright!?" I run into her arms and she leans into my chest, sniffling she pulls away slowly showing her tear stained face.

"no, no, no darling I'm alright, these are happy tears guess what!" her face brightens as she swipes away her hot tears and looks down at me.

just as I was about to ask her what she's talking about she blurts out the answer

"I GOT THE JOB!!!" she screams and jumps up and down
"OMG OMG OMG NO WAY!!" I scream back
"YES WAY!" we were now jumping up and down in the clustered white kitchen with tears in our eyes.

you may be really confused right now but to sum it up my mother has been working at a small local hospital an hour away from where we live, my father left as soon as he found out I was born so it's just been me and my mum my whole life. the hospital she works at doesn't pay too well since it's so small, over the past few years she's been looking for jobs, last week she found a perfect job opportunity and was one of the first to apply. It pays well, it's a well respected and nice place with amazing reviews, only downside being it's in Boston...

but that's fine right? my last year of high school in a totally new school with no one I know, having to leave my friends, and my hometown. I'll be fine, just go with the flow.

                                                                                1 week later
"hun, you ready?" my mother excitedly calls from the front door with boxes stacked in her arms.

"yep! just one second" I stand by my bedroom door and stare into my pale pink walled childhood room, I feel warm tears fill my eyes but quickly blink them away, just go with the flow.

"ready!" I exclaimed smiling at my mum standing at the door

"let's hit the road!" she sang loudly after we locked the door and ran to the door ready for our 8 hour drive.

I love car rides, the music, the aura, everything about it, but 8 hours is a long time. I eventually fell into a deep sleep, resting my head against the window. by the time we had arrived at our new house it was 12:23am. my mum had pulled into our brand new drive way and softly poked my cheek.

"hannah, hannahhh wake up! we're here!!" she excitedly shouted

"uhhg" I groaned into my pillow that was leaned against the window

my mum realised the soft approach was obviously not going to work so she reached over and opened my door causing me to fall straight onto the floor, fuck.

"whoops sorry hun, but now your awake get up"

"thanks" the sarcasm dripped off my tongue

I stood up and walked towards my mum who stood at the front door eagerly twisting the key and pushed open the tall white door. I'm not gonna lie the house is massive, a two story, gorgeous wood and white home. the day before we left my mum had gotten all the big furniture delivered, that means my bed and bookshelves were here but I didn't even bother trying to climb the wooden stairs and instead just flopped onto the couch, apparently my mum had the same idea because I felt the couch dip and we both fell into a deep sleep.

the next morning

me and my mum had eventually woken up squished up together on the couch, we decided we probably should unpack the car seeing as everything we own is in there. still in my oversized grey hoodie and green/black checkered pyjama pants with my frizzy plaits on either side of my head and wild bangs, we walk out and start to unpack, half way through my mum turns and whispers to me

"look at those boys they look like their your age, and their quite cute"

"yeah I guess" I say not looking up from the boxes I was holding in my arms

"fine, your loss" my mum stays as she realises I wasn't going to look up anytime soon

I hobble up the driveway still half asleep not really registering what was happening and accidentally trip and the 4 boxes I had in my arms flew out in front of me as I sit up and see my grazed knees and scraped elbow.

"ouch" I whisper under my breath, then I look over to see a brown haired boy with a nose piercing slowly picking up the boxes I had dropped.

I look up to see a hand held in front of my face, I grab onto the tall boys hand and he helps pull me up.

"hi! I'm nick, you must be new to the neighbourhood" he introduced

"yeah, hi! I'm hannah we just moved in yesterday" I smiled

"oh cool! what high school are you gonna be going to?"

"I'm pretty sure it's called hill view high? I'm going into grade 12"

"NO WAY! me and my brothers go there, we're starting grade 12 as well!" he announces very happily

I laugh and reply "thank god I'm at least gonna have one friend there!"

"oh for sure! let's swap numbers so we can hang out later, I'm sure my brothers will love to meet you!"

"sounds amazing" I smile at the blue eyed boy.

he hands me the boxes back, waves goodbye and walks back over to his house, his brothers must have gone inside. as soon as he's gone, my mum walks back out the front and smirks at me, I mustn't have realised she'd gone inside.

"have a little chat with pretty boy?" she teases

"oh shush" I laugh.

Word Count:
1013 words

Fine Line | matthew sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now