Lucid Dream

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Lucid Dream

She began to blink gently, feeling a ray of sunlight enter through the window, landing in her eyes at the same time that she heard voices coming from outside the room.

-What are you doing here Clarice?!. Let her rest for today, maybe she is still under the effect or maybe she has already recovered.  The best thing is that we let Yuritzi rest and see how she wakes up, don't you think?.

-I just wanted to see if she was better, yuri.

-I know, that's why we'll let him finish recovering.

Voices could be clearly heard from the other side of the door.

DoriDori had woken up looking at her hair on the pillow.  She then looked back at that ray of light coming through an opening in the window and she got up from the bed.  She approached the mirror and looked at herself for a long time in silence but speaking in her mind.

-I feel strange, I feel as if it was not me who is in the mirror!.  It's strange, but even stranger is that Aurora hasn't woken me up to go have breakfast.

Her head was a sea of ​​questions and her heart a jar full of different feelings.

After rambling and looking at herself in the mirror, DoriDori bathed and changed her clothes, wearing a white shirt and a yellow checkered skirt, she went to the door of the room and left it in silence.

She walked slowly observing a long corridor with wine-colored walls with large paintings in gilt frames and at the end of it a staircase that went down adding more questions in her mind.

-What happens to me today? I see the paintings feeling that I had never seen them before but at the same time I feel that they are the same paintings of every day in this mansion.  Maybe I'm sick.

She asked herself almost reaching a large room where the 3 girls were sitting around the table.

-Yuri!  It's good that you woke up!

Clarice greeted her friend standing up and starting to walk towards her.

-Clarice, why didn't they wake me up?  I think maybe I'm sick.

DoriDori said touching her forehead.

-Aurora said that maybe you would still feel bad.  Do you want me to call her? Do you need something? Just tell us and we will help you friend.

Asked Clarice somewhat worried when Gabriel and Olet approached from behind.

-Hi Yuri, are you feeling better?  Do you remember what happened yesterday?

Gabriel asked kindly.

She was a young with long, shiny hair black as night, and emerald green eyes.

-What happened yesterday?.  To tell the truth, I forgot what day it is today haha.

Doridori smiled with her somewhat confused response but feeling happy to see her friends.

-What happened yesterday?.  To tell the truth, i forget what day it is today haha.

  DoriDori smiled with her somewhat confused response but feeling happy to see her friends.

  -What flavor does the apple have? Is it sweet?.

  Olet asked DoriDori bluntly, how she used to be, a serious, direct young woman with few smiles. Almost always seemed serious. With dark hair and a deep and penetrating look.

  -Yuritzi! What a joy to see you awake!  How do you feel today?.

  Aurora interrupted the questions and answers, who was the woman who took care of the girls in that mansion.  The same one that she found DoriDori in front of the gigantic tree.

-I feel a little strange, confused, maybe I'm getting sick.

  DoriDori responded to her tutor with some concern on her face.

  -Well, my dear, what is your name?  Can you answer me that?!.

  Aurora asked the young woman while she adjusted doridori's bangs behind her ear with one of her hands.

  -Haha my name?  My name is Yuritzi, have you already forgotten it or why do you ask me?.

  Letting out a smile mixed with confusion, Doridori reacted, still not understanding the reason for such an obvious answer question.

  -You can see?!  I don't think you're sick, on the contrary I think you has healed my dear Yuritzi.  Do you know what would be good today? That will enjoy the day with your friends, what do you think?!.

  Aurora responded to the young woman with an expression of joy.  Then she turned her gaze to Clarice, Gabriel and Olet telling them the good news of her recreational day.

The recreational day for Yuritzi's recovery had begun.  The girls together spent a good time in the great room, joking and laughing and at no time had any of them mentioned what had happened the day before to doridori, although one of them, Olet, was anxious to know about that day.  She did not question DoriDori because Gabriel had asked both her and Clarice not to mention what had happened and let her friend feel better and maybe when the time was right she could talk about it.

The hours was continued to pass, between games, and delicious meals, like walks through the internal garden of the mansion.  It was a wonderful day of smiles and beautiful moments of fun.

  Night had arrived and each of the girls went to her room to rest after having lived a wonderful day.

  The early morning was heard with the sound of the wind moving the treetops. The sound of calm clothed the entire mansion.

  Clarice was peacefully asleep under the pastel yellow sheets when she felt a hand shake her shoulder slowly and a voice whisper her name.  When she woke up, she found to doridori standing in front of her bed behind her.

  -But what happens Yuri?.

  Clarice asked trying to come to her senses and finish waking up.

  -Clarice! I have to tell you something.  She wanted to do it during the day, But, Aurora was always watching us.

  I don't want you to be scared of me, but I feel very strange and I need to tell someone.  I feel like I'm in a dream.  There are images in my mind. I'm looking in the mirror but I'm not the one in the reflection, the clothes I wear, the place I feel is my home.  I remember a lady who is my mother in that dream and I feel that I miss her a lot.  My hair is dark and I have big brown eyes.

  I dreamed that I came from a dream, or am I still inside it, I feel that it is so real!  I feel like it's not a dream, am I going crazy?  Why did Olet ask me about the taste of an apple?  Clarice, I feel like I miss that place, I don't understand it, I have wanted to cry since I woke up, and another thing, there is a name that resonates in my mind over and over and over again all the time as if it were mine, that name is DoriDori.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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DoriDori⚡ Ep04 Lucid Dream ⚡ EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now