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The school day was almost over for Dahyun, and she was very much looking forward to it. Although her physical appearance said otherwise. Her dark undereyes complemented her dishevelled raven-black hair and rugged navy blue hoodie.

When she was walking in the hallway, in passing, students looked at her tight-lipped or averted their gaze to cover their mouths as they snickered. Does she still have a blueberry in her hair? Was the red stain still evident on her cheeks?

No thanks to Chaeyoung, as she had the brilliant idea to throw blueberries and strawberries into each other's mouths; however, since they both have awful hand-eye coordination, it looked like that one video of toddlers playing with peanut butter. They already had the petite bodies and minds of babies; maybe it really was them in the video, Tzuyu concluded. She decided to relay her thoughts to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, which momentarily halted their berry-slinging.

Then banter broke out amongst the three girls, with the occasional blueberry or raspberry being thrown. They shortly decided throwing strawberries was not a very good idea once it landed on Dahyun's eye.

In Chaeyoung's defence, she threw it quite high so her friend would have enough time to catch (or dodge) the incoming red fruit. However, Dahyun bit the bullet, and her eye remained shut for the rest of lunch. She didn't have the heart to ask why the eldest took the punch, but it was Dahyun; she's weird like that.

Luckily for the cub, she had art class as her last subject anyway, so it wasn't too out of the blue for her to have a splash of colour on her.

The maknae had no class after this, which, of course, her unnies had to tease her for, as she willingly chose to spend her precious time with them.

As for Dahyun, she looked like she just walked away with Barney's murder, as she didn't exactly come out unscathed from the food war (that's what you get from sitting in the middle).

The purple beast slayer shambled into the classroom with her hood over her head and a to-go cup of iced coffee in her hand, and she ignored the strange look the substitute professor gave her. Making her way to the back desk in the corner, diagonally opposite the door. It was her spot. The seat was in the best position since you could see everything in the room.

Though she was seen as the goofiest and sometimes the loudest in her friend group, her introversion switched on once she stepped into class. She was observant and reclusive, which reflected in her studies and relationships with her peers. Though her classmates weren't completely bothersome or obnoxious to befriend, she kept to herself, and she genuinely liked it that way. Yet despite her detached attitude, Dahyun never missed the class, possibly due to a particular classmate of hers.

Seeing the Japanese girl's charming smile, hearing her infectious laughter, and seeing how she managed to brighten up a room with her mere presence were so enthralling to Dahyun that she couldn't keep the girl off her mind.

Sana was one of the very few people on the entire campus to work for Dahyun's attention, and she hadn't a clue as to why. If the plan was to mess with Dahyun, making her fall for her charms and sweet words, she hit it out of the park. Although they're not necessarily close friends, they're no strangers to each other either, and so Dahyun cherished every moment she had with the girl.

Shortly, students began to arrive, and the chatter amongst them made Dahyun shut her eyes briefly. Being on three hours of sleep wasn't ideal, so hopefully the several espresso shots in her drink started to kick in soon.

The Korean girl despised coffee, but this was a last resort to get her through her final class of the day. She already consumed an energy drink, various chocolates, a banana, and some berries today, and they were oddly not as effective as Google stated they would be.

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