The last Abydonian

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It was hot day at the desert of Abydos, when Scaara went to a meeting about Anubis and Kasuf was taking the women and childrend to a safe place.

In the meantime at the SGC Jack went into the elivator to go down to the others. The elivator startet moving when the light shortly blinked. Soon the elivator stopped and Jack tried to call for help but the Phone was dead. When he turned arround Daniel apeared infront of him. He warned him that Anubis would come to Abydos to find the eye of Rah, that SG1 had to find it before Anubis  immediately and that Abydos was in danger.

Afterwards Jack went to Hammond and the others and told them everything. They believed him and Hammond sended them to Abydos where Scaara came towards them. "O'Neill!" he said happy to meet them Jack greeted Scaara back.

Scaara brought Jack to the Catacombes where they eye of rah was hidden. On they way he told Jack that he's about to merry and invites Jack to his wedding.

Jack told him that he would come. In the meantime Teal'c helped to shoot the Goa'uld ships down.

in the Catacombes Daniel appeared again after Jack called him. He helped Sam and Jonas finding the Secret chamber while Jack and Scaara helped Teal'c protecting the Pyramid.

Sam Jonas and Daniel found the Secret door and Jonas tried to open it with torchlamp but it didn't work so Sam pointet the red Chrystal in the aegyptian eye with the laser light of her weapon and it worked. They searched in the Chambers for the eye when Daniel disapeared.

They found the eye and a Stone with information about the city of the ancient.

Jack, Teal'c and Scaara met up with Sam and Jonas again while Daniel appeared infront of Anubis and brought him to makr a deal.

A Jaffar started to talk to SG1 and Jack told him to let them go and that he would destroy the eye if not.

The Jaffar went away to anubis and when he came back he told Jack to hand out the eye if Abydos shouldn't be destroyed.

Scaara was about to die, he got hurt by the Goa'uld and told Jack in his dying breath that he and SG1 shell take his Niece with them and take Care about her, then he turned into light and ascended.

A Girl came out behind some boxes where she hid herself. "Hi, I'm Bayela Jackson, Scaaras Niece, My Grandfather is Kasuf, i'm Daniel's daughter, Sharee was my mother!", Bayella told.

Jacks Mouth popped open." Daniel's Child? He had a daughter? Why didn't Kasuf told him or us?" Jack said."He hid me from the Jaffa, later he wanted to wait until i'm old enough for a Stargate travel.", Bayella explained. Jack went to her and kneeled down in front of her. "Daniel was my closest Friend, so I will always be there for you, and I'm Sure the others will too You will never be allone and your Uncle begged me to take you with us, so we will!", Jack said.

"I love you so much Uncle Jack, you, Samy and Teal'c mean everything to me!", she said crying and fell around her Jacks neck.

Jack pulled his arms arround her, he swear to himself that He would Do everything to keep Bayella safe. "You look very much like your Mom, I'm so sorry for what I've done!", Teal'c said. "yes, except for my eyes, they're blue like my Dads! And Uncle Teal'c, it's okay, I want you to know that I forgive you, like my dad forgave you too.", she said. Jack laughed.

"Your forgiveness is an honour to me and also that you call me Uncle!", he said and nodded to Bayella.

"Yes, Grandpa wantet you, Jack and Sam to be my Uncles and Aunt!", Bayella sayed. Than she saw Jonas Quinn. "You! What ist he doing with you? It's all His fault, If He wouldn't be such a coward, my Dad would still be here with us!" She screamed crying and wanted to hit him. Sam took her arm. "Sweety No, he has went through enough, he came to us to pay for what happned and to become a better Person!" Sam said softly. Jonas sank down to the ground and cried. "I-I'm so incredibly sorry, if I would have known that Daniel was a Father I would have never let him touch that stupid thing, really, i'm so sorry. I hope that one Day you'll take my apollogie!", Jonas said crying. Bayella thought for a little while, then she went towards Jonas and after a deep breath she took his Hand. "Jonas, my Dad and I took Teal'cs Apologie although he kidnapped my Mom when she became a goauld and later killed her when she was about killing my Dad, so I will take your apologie too and If you really came to become a better Person, I'll give you the chance to become one and let you be my Uncle too!" she said.

Jonas Mouth popped open "really? you want me to be your Uncle?", he asked. Bayella nodded an hugged him. "I will do my best do become a good Uncle to you!", he said.

When Daniel appeared again and wondered what had happend. Bayella saw Daniel and started to cry badly. "D-Daddy!" she snobbed.

"Wait what? I have a Daughter?", he asked. Bayella nodded and told him everything. "I will alwasy be with you my sweet Princess althou you can't see me always!", Daniel said, then he told that Jack shell give the eye of rah to the Jaffar and that he has a deal with Anubis. He also told Jack that Anubis was ascended and came back.

Jack gave the eye of rah to the Jaffar and the all went away. Soon SG1 went to the Stargate and Sam dialed Earths adress. Teal'c and Jonas went through followed by Sam who took Bayellas Hand and told her that she mustn't be scared. Bayella went through the Gate with Sam.

Jack turned arround one last Time before he also went through that gate. Then a huge explosion destroyed Abydos completely.

Bayella started to cry in Sams arms, because she was able to feel it. "Shhh, everything will be okay sweety!" Sam Said.

When Jack came out of the Gate the iris closed short after him. "That was close, If we wouldn't have closed the iris immeditately we all would have died too!" Hammond said.

They all were relieved. Short after that happend they tried to deal the combination of Abydos Gate again to see if the abydonian Gate was still working.

in the second try it worked. They sended a Malp through the Gate which showed them the Pyramid intact. Then they went through the Gate. Bayella followed them. "Samy i tell you this is all not really here, all abydonians have been ascended, i was able to feel the explosion and i knew that it would happen because i was born with special abilities!",Bayella told Sam.

"What?", Sam asked. "yes, my abilities were a Gift. That's what Grandpa told me!", Bayella answered.

They saw Scaara when they came out of the Pyramid. He told them that Omah chose them all for ascending. when they shortly turned arround they saw that the Pyramid dissapeared.

"I miss you Uncle Scaara!", Bayella said. "My little Niece, Grandpa and I will always be with you allthough you won't see us!", Scaara sayed. Then the other abydonians and the tents disapeared and Jack caught a Ball.

Scaara told Jack that he wouldn't be able to see him for a longer time, but that the Gate will stay as long as they aren't gone, then he took the Ball from Jack and disapeared too.

They went back to the SGC.
Then Hammond and Sam showed Bayella her new room. Hammond told Sam, that he will ask his Daughter to bring him the old Clothes and Toys from his oldest Granddaughter. "Thanks General!", Sam said and gave him a smile before he left Sam and Bayella alone.

It became late, Sam went to the dining room with Bayella to have dinner. They both choose their meal and went to Jack, Teal'c and Jonas. Together they ate. Afterwards Sam brought Bayella to her room. She went to bed. "Would you tell me a story Mommy?", she asked. Sam wondered that Bayella started to call her Mommy, but nodded then and told her a story from her Adventures till she was about falling asleep. "good night sweet Princess, sleep tight!", she said softly before she was leaving the room. "good night Mommy! I love you as you would be my mother, thats why I call you Mommy now, you mean so much to me Samy!", Bayella said.

"And I love you as you would be my own child, I will never leave you allone sweet Princess!", Sam said before she left the room and went to bed too.


So that was my first chapter, hope you enjoyed it. I will go on soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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