Blocked IX

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A mysterious woman was watching the fight between Rexxvia and the Ayuwoki unfold on the security cameras. Her eyes widen in astonishment as Rexxvia manages to kill the terrifying creature. She starts to laugh.

Woman: "He actually did it. He killed the Ayuwoki." she whispers to herself, with a mix of awe and excitement in her voice. "He's the one. He's my ticket out of here."

As the woman speaks these words, a hint of desperation flickers in her eyes. There is something more to her connection with Rexxvia, something that goes beyond mere curiosity.

She quickly glances around the room, ensuring that no one else is present. Satisfied that she is alone, she reaches into her pocket and retrieves a small device. With a few swift movements, she activates it, causing a hidden compartment to open in the wall.

Inside the compartment, she retrieves a worn-out journal, its pages filled with cryptic symbols and faded ink and labeled the Ayuwoki, "DEAD." This journal holds the secrets she has been searching for, the key to unlocking the mysteries of CoryxKenshin's dimension, the monsters and psychopaths that are here and finding a way back to her own world.

Clutching the journal tightly, the woman's mind races with possibilities. She knows that Rexxvia possesses a unique strength, an ability to confront and overcome the darkness that plagues this dimension. If she can convince him to join forces with her, they may have a chance to escape.

With a wicked expression, the woman hurries out of the security room, her footsteps and giggling echoes down the dimly lit corridor. She knows that time is of the essence, and she must find Rexxvia before the next wave of horrors engulfs them all.

Back on the run, Rexxvia catches up with Amy and Phym, who have been anxiously waiting for him. They exchange brief glances, their faces reflecting a mixture of relief and concern.

Rexxvia: We need to keep moving, We have to find Kim and Yumi and get out of here.

Amy nods in agreement, her grip on Phym's hand tightening.

Amy: We're right behind you, Rexx. We'll find them together.

Little do they know that their every move is being observed, and that the woman from the security room is closing in on them. Her intentions remain shrouded in mystery, but her connection to Rexxvia and the secrets she carries in the journal promise to unveil a new layer of the twisted reality they find themselves trapped in.

As they continue their desperate journey through the labyrinthine, Rexxvia, Amy, and Phym can't help but wonder what awaits them next. The horrors they have faced so far are only the beginning, and the truth behind their predicament is yet to be revealed.

~Timeskip brought to you by Rexx looking at his bite wound~

Phym: *crying* Daddy, I'm sorry *hic* I'm so sorry.

Rexxvia stops wrapping the bandages and looks at Phym in shock.

Rexx: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey don't cry. What are you apologizing for?

Phym: Back at the cafeteria, when the Ayuwoki was coming... *sniff* I was so scared, I couldn't disappear like I usually do. *hic* Amy had to step in and save me and you got hurt protecting us. I was told to "save the unfortunate souls" but I couldn't do anything.

Rexxvia kneels down beside Phym, his eyes filled with empathy as he listens to her tearful confession. Amy stands nearby, her hand resting on Phym's shoulder, offering comfort and support.

Rexx: "Phym, listen to me," Rexxvia says softly, his voice gentle yet firm. "You have nothing to apologize for. Fear is a natural response, especially in a situation as terrifying as this. You're just a kid, and it's okay to feel scared."

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