Not enough?

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Pfft, today was so boring. I got asked out 3 times! Not by him though... She sighed as she scrolled through Instagram hoping to find some entertainment. Am I not pretty enough for him? Elizabeth groaned as she put her phone on her nightstand. This is bullshit, I can have anyone else but why can't I have him?! She mentally screamed at herself. She's been liking him since freshman year, they were both in college now... She sighs in defeat as she slumps over in her bed as she screams into the pillow.

•Time skip•

This teacher is boring... I wonder what Lucas is doing.. She sneaks a look as he sleeps throughout the class as she giggles to herself. Cute... She thought. She was broken out of her thoughts by a crumpled paper being thrown at her head, she opens it and it reads:

Your cute, wanna go on a date?

Come on... She groans as she writes in bold letters: NO!! Boys. Tiring. I only will say yes to one boy and that's Lucas.

•Time skip•

She sits at a empty table during lunch, as then a few guys approached her, asking her questions like,"Hey, are you single?" And,"Your too beautiful to not have a boyfriend." Fuck, I just wanted some peace. She sighed and smiled uncomfortably as she then someone from behind her said,"Leave her alone. Your obviously making her uncomfortable."

Huh? She turned around and widened her eyes, seeing Lucas. Shit. The boys stormed off and mumbled. "You ok?" The boy said in a hushed tone. She nodded as she offered him to sit down. "Uh- Would you like to sit down?" She said awkwardly. He hesitated but nodded as he sat down.

"What's your name?" Lucas asked. "Elizabeth..." She said slightly blushing, feeling the heat off her face almost. "Too long. I'll just call you Liz." He said as he took a sip of his drink. "Oh, I never had a nickname before. I like it." She smiled brightly. He observed her for a moment as he shakes his head trying to shake off any thoughts. "My names Lucas." He says with a blank face. "Very handsome." She said playfully.

"Huh? Excuse m-" He got cut off by a girl running up behind him and hugging him. Oh... I thought I was getting somewhere. Wasn't I? Or was I just being delusional...? "I'll be on my way now." Liz hurriedly gets up and grabs her things trying to hide any emotions shown. "Hey, wait-" Lucas bites his lip as he sighs as the girl continues to cling onto him as he tries to push her off. "No, no. It's fine, I obviously will only get in your way."

Liz sighs as she walks off, hand holding onto her arm as she walks off heading to her dorm as tears began to escape. She hasn't cried about Lucas in a while but now this only makes it worse. I'm back to square one. She tells herself in defeat.

Lucas watched as she left with a hint of sadness. He pushes the girl off finally looking disgusted with the girl, as he wants to say something and run to her but both his words and legs fail him. Dammit, I wanted to talk to you... He thought as he stands up and throws away his plate, losing his appetite.

I'm just not good enough for you, am I? They both thought as they walked away in opposite directions wishing...


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