part 1

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She watches hope make her way to her little brother's crib for what's probably the tenth time this day, she reaches out to stroke his face with her little finger as she beams with joy and she feels nothing but pure contentment

It's been six months since she and Klaus welcomed their second child, this time a little boy named Henrik,

He was named after the Departed youngest mikaelson brother, it was Klaus's idea, a way to honor his memory or out of guilt, who knows

Not that Hayley objected

Everything's been easier, better with her second pregnancy, no danger looming over them, no witches plotting revenge

And for once she could see the side of Klaus she dreamt of seeing since she first learned she carried his heir

He was present, caring, thoughtful and truly alive, he seemed to have a handle on what it's like to be a parent

Maybe that too is out of guilt

He wanted nothing more than to make up for all the time he lost trying to get the city back instead of tending to her needs,

Instead of being there for her and their unborn child

Now he stands across the room, wearing the biggest smile as he watches hope doting on her little brother before his eyes meet Hayley's.

She looks tired, understandably so

Despite his insistence on compelling someone to help her take care of their toddler she refused

Could be her way of compensating for the time she spent away from hope in her first months

He sits next to her and she looks at their kids before quickly shifting her gaze back to him with a smile

"Is it too late to accept the babysitter offer?", She jokes

"Motherhood is wearing you out I see"

She bites back a laugh before she rests her head on his shoulder, an intimate gesture she could've only wished for once upon a time

Now it's habitual ,any bit of fear, of insecurity is long gone

Now she can truly rely on him, she can truly call him her partner

A man and not a beast

A loving father, a great friend and a sweet lover

She watches hope's concerned expression as little henrik bursts out crying before she decides she's bored and exits the room

he can hear Hayley's lengthy sigh and so his hand briefly rests atop hers

"I'll take care of it" , and it's Hayley's turn to swoon over the sight of the mighty Klaus  mikaelson rocking his baby in his arms, his shirt smeared with vomit and spit up as he desperately tries to soothe him

She laughs before he gives her the "I give up" look,

"That's not how you do it, here, let me show you"

He carefully hands her the boy and admires the way he instantly calms down, the sight of a small family that loves him,

One that finally gave him a way to live rather than survive melts his heart

He looks at his children's mother nursing their baby, looking absolutely exhausted and he can't think of anything more beautiful

The picture is engraved in his memory, something from which he'll draw inspiration for the many art pieces he later dedicates to her

She looks at him again with a smile

"I'm actually starving right now",

And that's his cue to take of her for a change,

Since apparently it's now a part of his "baby daddy" responsibilities to remind her to eat, drink and sleep

Not that he'll ever complain, this woman gifted him the world and then some more

He'd offer up his soul for her if she asked

"Alright then love, I'll get you some actual food instead of the convenience dung you so seem to enjoy to ring the changes"

She's busy fawning over Henrik grabbing her Finger when she feels Klaus approache her, he tucks the straying strands of hair behind her ear as to take a better look at her face and she feels herself blushing a little

No one gets her so weak in the knees as that bastard does

"Once I'm back I expect you to finish up your plate and get some sleep, are we set?"

He stands amused as she rolls her eyes at him

"Can you go back to not caring please, cause I'm starting to feel smothered" ,

"I think not", with that he gives her lips a tender kiss,

One that leaves her breathless

It's his way of getting her to stop complaining

An effective way they both enjoy

And the lovestruck teenager in her jumps out, the one who only ever wanted to matter to him

So she bites her lip and focuses all her attention back on their little boy

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