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"The hell? Why is this girl here?! Oh my god... Why do i always have the worst luck?!" Alexander said, groaning whilst walking to his room.

Camila looked around the kitchen and living room. She was astonished. She didn't really care about what Alexander had said and shrugged her shoulders. She looked across the living room to see a door with a sign, 'ROOM'. She knew it had to be hers, so she just opened the door.

Shocked, she saw a master bedroom with a vanity dresser right next to the bed. She gently put her suitcase down and started unpacking. Her eyes couldn't believe it. Such a big dorm... No wonder why she got accepted for her smartness.

She looked back to see her dormmate. 

"What do you want?" She stared, waiting for a response as she drifted back to unpacking her suitcase.

"You're a ginger head? Pfft! Ginger head and green eyes? HAHA! Must all be F.A.K.E." Alexander said, soothing his brunette hair back. He rolled his ocean blue eyes and ruffled up Camila's ginger hair before leaving.

Camila arrogantly slammed the door hard. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU STUPID DISGUSTING UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF TRASH?!" She said, screaming.


Camila would walk out of her room, proudly and smiling. Her room was fully decorated and was full with pictures of her favorite singers, dancers and actors. Alexander also came out of his room, smiling. 

"Why so happy, FAKER?" He'd say, laughing.

Camila would stare at him, as her smile slowly faded. Her eyes widened and she shifted left, to see something behind Alexander. A girl? She had brown hair and blue eyes. God, she was beautiful. Camila stared at her, and the girl stared back.

"Uhm, you are the new girl? Alexander. SHE IS SO PRETTY. You are lucky to have a roommate like her!" The girl squealed. She ran towards Camila, combing camila's hair with her fingers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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