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Not edited at all, this probably makes no sense but this wouldn't be a oneshot book without someone getting sick

"Angelita?" Crybaby called into her and Angelita's shared dorm. She began to worry after not hearing a response back from her roommate, which was unusual. She took a few steps forward but stopped suddenly when she heard coughing coming from the bathroom. She started walking down the long hallway and softly knocked on the bathroom door, but after getting no response she turned the knob quietly and pushed the door open. She was greeted by Angelita who was slumped over the toilet with her hair tied back and only in a bra and shorts. "Oh- Ang.." Crybaby frowned at the sight and immediately rushed to her side. "Don't get too close, I don't wanna get you sick." Angelita mumbled and turned her head back down. "That doesn't matter right now, c'mon." Crybaby reached her hand out to Angelita and pulled her up slowly, she then led her to her own room. "Crybaby-" The brunette was cut off by a spoon being shoved in her face. "Take this." Crybaby handed her a spoonful of medicine and walked off to grab something else. Angelita groaned but did as she said. A few minutes later Crybaby came back into the room with a bottle of water and a bowl in her hands. She set them down on the nightstand and turned to Angelita. "Lay down." Angelita rolled her eyes and grinned. "Whatever you say, mother." Crybaby glared at her and pushed her against the wall on the bed. "Don't fucking sass me." She snapped after she pinned the other girl's hands above her head. Angelita's eyes widened as she let out a small whine at the sudden aggression. After a few moments she smirked and looked down at Crybaby's lips, which finally made Crybaby realize the position they were in. She let go of Angelita and scooted back a bit so there was more room on the bed for the both of them. "Why'd you let go?" Angelita huffed, reaching out to interlock her hand with Crybaby's. "I'm not kissing someone who just threw up." She fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Whatever." Angelita sighed under her breath and laid down next to her. The two laid there for a few minutes in silence, though it felt more comfortable than awkward.
"Baby.." Angelita whispered as she turned her head towards Crybaby. "Hm?" A few seconds of silence passed. "Can we cuddle?" "I thought you said you didn't want to get me sick." Crybaby smiled a bit and adjusted her body to where she was facing Angelita. She didn't respond to Crybaby, but instead just stared into her eyes with a small pout on her lips. "Alright, fine." She opened her arms and Angelita immediately crawled into them as a wide grin covered her face. "I love you." She mumbled with her face buried in Crybaby's chest. "I love you too."

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