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   Past Y/N'S POV

The rustling trees, the sound of the ground crunching under me, the screams and demands of that police, I just want to run, run away, run away from everything, run away from this place! I paused and caught my breath, I could hear them still yelling but then their voice faded, I leaned against a tree and crouched down and rested. 

I was breathing heavily and I began to lose my sight. I tried to keep being conscious but it then went black.

Soft, soft? Something soft is on me. I opened my eyes slowly and was greeted with light, When my eye finally adjusted I looked around and then sat up.

"Ahh, you're awake!" A voice said as I rubbed my eye which made me pause and my heart rate rise. "Don't be alarmed, I mean no harm..." I took in the feature of the voice. 

It was a short puppet-looking thing, it had blue hair and yellow matted fur for its body, and it used a white shirt and a blue cardigan with rainbow pants. I have to say, he does sound... calming and his face also says friendly, no, I can't keep lying to myself.

"So, if you don't mind me asking what brought you to the woods and sleeping in the middle of nowhere?" He walked into the room and set down a tray of drink and bread on the bedside table. 

"No... Comment" I muttered, I hadn't realized but my voice was almost gone and that's when I realized also that my throat was parched. 

"Here you go! I don't know how long were you in there but I'm guessing from your reaction that you parched! It's important to stay hydrated" He seemed nice enough so I reached for the glass in his and drank the water, it burned at first but soon it was replaced with satisfaction. 

"Thanks... uhh..." I paused as I tried to address them.

"I'm Wally Darlings, nice to meet you...?" He reached a hand out and I took it. 

"Y/N L/N... It's nice to meet you two..." I replied avoiding eye contact as the guy was getting close to me.

"Wally? Are they awake yet?" A warm and motherly voice called out from the door. 

"Yes, Poppy! They're awake!" Wally replied. 

"Oh, goodie!" A big bird got into the room and then a few others followed.

A sun-looking one and a human?! Ahh finally... never mind she has horns... I felt everyone's eyes on me and I wanted to shrink, Wally greeted everyone but I guess he saw that I was nervous by everyone cause he said.

"Hey everyone! I'm pretty sure our new friend here might need some space, why don't we all meet each other again some later time when they are ready hmm?~" Wally announced and everyone agreed and left even the big bird or Poppy. "Are you alright?" he asked me and I felt less tense, I nodded.

"Thanks, uh... can I ask you a few questions?" Wally propped a chair close by and then gave me his attention and confirmed that I could. "Okay, Where am I? And... never mind it might be rude to ask that..." I wanted to ask if I'm hallucinating or what, why are they all Puppets???

"Why, you're at Home! When you're ready I would love to show you around the Neighbourhood!" Wally replied with a happy tone and I just nodded and then he calmed down. "As for your second question..." I opened my eyes wide and in the corner of my eyes I could see that he was staring at me but this aura felt different, it wasn't warm and welcoming it was, threatening and dangerous. "That up for you to find out... Human..." I felt my head grow heavy and I fell back. 

    Wally's POV

I saw them falling and caught them at the perfect moment and then tucked them in gently not wanting to wake them up again after years and years of hiding from humans one managed to get in here with no effort... I have to know who let them in. 

*Bang bang bang* The house said and I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I won't hurt them... yet..." I played with their hair. *BANG* I got away from the human put my hand on my back and got out of the room. "Relax, they won't remember you being all weird..." I took a deep breath and let it go and then... I'm back... I hope they're okay... I swear if you hurt them again! *Creak Creak*... Fine," I looked back into the room again and they were still asleep.

   Y/N's POV

I woke up and felt fresh, as I stretched and took a deep breath I remembered what happened last time, I met with a guy named Wally and he was nice! oh, and he said he'll show me around when I felt better so let's see if I am.

I took the bed cover off of me and tried to stand, I wobbled a little but I then regained my strength to stand and practice walking again, I steadily walked towards the door and grabbed the handle, Huh... wouldn't it be funny and scary if it was locked from the outside? *IT IS* I paused... what was that? Does it feel like something said that... I looked around the room and saw nothing or no one, My breathing was shallow and my heart was racing. 

I took a deep breath and said it was probably just my brain playing tricks on me, I reached for the doorknob again and twisted it slowly. It opened, but I wasn't locked in... See, I told brain you're being too anxious but I feel like it should. 

I saw the other side and I saw that Wally was talking to a few others. 

"Hi! I'm Julie! This is Sally... ohh that's Frank and Eddie." The girl with the horn was introduced and the others who were introduced waved at me. 

"I'm Barnaby and there's also Howdy..." A big blue dog said and gestured to someone behind him. 

"Hiya! Howdy at your service" A guy with multiple hands greeted and then one of his hands took mine and kissed lightly. 

"Umm... Hi, I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N it's very nice to meet you all..." I looked around a little and saw that the big bird from earlier wasn't around. "Where's the... uhh... Poppy! Right, Poppy where is she?" I asked and like fate has decided she showed up.

"Why I'm here? and I was making food for everyone!~" Poppy said and everyone cheered. 

"After we eat lunch why don't we stroll around the Neighbourhood, Y/N?" Wally hooped his hand around mine and took me with all the others to a table.

I was mainly quiet throughout the whole lunch but I felt comfortable enough, They asked me a few questions that I was more than fine to answer and I just listened to their stories and how they accepted and welcomed me into Home. 

"So this whole little neighborhood is called Home?" I asked.

"Mhm! Wally's home is also Home! They're the first ones here and he's the first to welcome everyone here!" Julie explained. 

"Alright, everyone! It seems everyone is done with their lunch which means I can show you, Y/N around the neighborhood" Wally stood and gave me a hand I happily took it. 

We said goodbye to the others and then it was just me and Wally, we were quiet for a second. 

"By the way Wally, what happened at Home? I remember talking to you and some of the others when all of a sudden I woke up again or was dreaming that?" I then heard him laugh a little.

"Oh, So you do remember that! I thought you didn't recall any memory of it, Well yes you did talk to some of us but not long after I answered the question you passed out again... I was so worried for you Y/N... I thought you'd be there sleeping for a longer time... " It was quiet. "Good thing you didn't!" Wally turned to me and smiled brightly.

"Yeah, I'm glad two... Say which one of these houses is yours?" I said looking around.

"Hmm... Why don't we make it a game? Guess!" Wally said and I looked around and only got to see three houses. 

"Is it that yours? wait no" I pointed at a nearby house that has a sun and moon art on its front doors. "It's that, isn't it? The one with... eyes..." Why would a house have eyes? "Wait, did its eyes just move!" I jumped and hid behind Wally. 

"Don't worry neighbor! Home won't hurt you... Yet" Wally said and then shut his mouth. 

"Are you sure and what did you say at the last part?" I asked and looked at him. "Hey, you okay? You look like your about to throw up..." I said stepping away from him.

Stepping away from him I felt dizzy, I felt my chest was heavy, and my eyes were fuzzy, Wally was just there still covering his mouth, he slowly let his hand down and then turned to me, for a split second I was sure I saw that his whole face was like an empty void with an eye before returning to his face before and then another split second of his face that looks like he was crying.

"Oh! I said Home won't hurt you so you have nothing to worry about neighbor!" Wally said and my body felt at ease again, no nausea was present. "Why don't I introduce you to Home?" He took my hand and led the way, I didn't want to but I couldn't say no... why?

"Neighbor! This is Home and Home this is Y/N!" Wally said and gestured to the house, I just waved nervously, and then the eyes on the window looked at me and then a bang was heard. "Oh look! Home doesn't mind if you stay with us again for as long as you need!~" Wally said and Home creaked. 

"Oh really? Thanks, Home..." I nodded and then took Wally's hand. "But for now I want to see the neighborhood come on Wally!" I pulled Wally away and then went to a random house.

Wally didn't seem to know that I avoided Home which is great, I feel weird around that place, and I feel uneasy. Wally showed me around the neighborhood and this beautiful lake as the last place to check as it was already late. 

"Aww... too bad the days are almost over... Come one Neighbor! Let's go back Home We can continue our tour tomorrow on a new day!" He offered and I let him lead the way.

We met a few others on the way back but they were all tired so I didn't bother to try to talk to them, Wally welcomed me into Home and I felt the dizziness creeping up in my head, I tried to ignore it but it was so strong I almost tripped as Wally let me in. I didn't know when but Wally's feature seemed to change from what it was before to something I couldn't really see as my eyes felt fogged to see the reality. 

I could see "Wally" gesturing to a door and I'm guessing it was my room, I said thanks or I think I did as I couldn't even hear my own voice, I probably fell on my bed and passed out, maybe I'm just tired or maybe there is something with this house. 

    Wally's POV

I heard them crash and I flinched a little, I peeked to make sure they didn't fall on the bed and I sighed. *Ring Ring Ring* I forced a breath out of my mouth and went to the telephone and sat on the little sofa, I hesitated to pick up the phone but gave in as I didn't want it to ring more.

"What do you want? I have convinced them to stay here and now they're passed out! What did you do to them? And what did we say about possessing me in the middle of the day?!" I'm angry and frustrated, it's been so long since the last time anyone joined the neighborhood *BANG* My heart stopped and I calmed down and put the telephone closer again. 

"Don't question what I do, As a Puppet you should listen to what I say without question and relax The only reason they're acting like they are is because of how much they have resisted me through the whole day... which is incredible. Keep earning their trust, that's your job for now" With that the telephone cut and I was left to contemplate on how to do it and why Home wanted them so badly. 

A question for another day I guess, I took a shower and let my hair down, damm maybe I should get a haircut... I'll decide tomorrow.

    The End 

2141 words

Ahh yes, time to show you all that I have started Yet another brain rot, Well... here you go everyone! 

I thought since the fandom is active once again and that my FYP is giving me endless content I must oblige and create! Fanfic... I just want to say that this is my own AU.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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