Vikk Won't Sleep. 1

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Yep. Smut. I can't sleep and I have 2 finals tomorrow. So y'all are rewarded with my crappy attempts at smut. What am I doing with my life.

Setting: Sidemen House.
Ships: What ever Vikk, Simon, and Josh's ship name is.
Request: Don't judge me. I'm over tired and if I go to sleep before 1 am I fall asleep in class. Don't question it. It's a thing.


Vikk sat up. It felt like hours since he last moved from his recording chair. "Bye boys. I have to record with Preston," he said in to the Sidemen Skype call.

Simon sighed, "Vikk when was the last time you slept?"

Vikk paused, "Ummm..."

"That's what I thought. Vikk we are all getting worried. Go to sleep. Preston will understand," Simon said. There were a chorus of yeahs from the Skype from Josh, Ethan and Tobi.

"Well, I have to go," Ethan said.

"Same fam," Tobi said. "Go to bed Vikk. It's gonna be fine."

They hung up and Vikk cradled his head in his hands. "You don't understand. I have to do this. They are all counting on me."

"Who Vikk? Preston, The Pack, your fans? They won't mind if you take a nap," Josh said. "They just want you to be healthy.

Simon opened the door to Vikk's room. He saw Vikk looking smaller then normal in his recording chair, his head in his hands. Vikk didn't even turn to the door. "Vikky..." Simon said.

"No Si. I have to-," He was cut off by Simon lifting him out of his chair. He quickly wrapped his arms around Simon's neck. Vikk knew what was coming next. Josh and Simon had done this before. "Si, please don't. I have work."

Simon looked down at the small Indian male in his arms. He had huge circles under his eyes. His big brown eyes were pleading softly Simon to just put him down and walk away, but his body was not saying that. He had curled himself tightly into Simon. "Josh, text Preston. Tell him Vikky won't be available for the rest of the day and to pass it on to the rest of the Pack."

Josh walked in, "Already done."

"Guys, please let me record," Vikk continued to plead softly.

"No," Josh said. Now Josh is the overall dominant one in the Sidemen house. Vikk was his and Simon's little sub. Simon sat on Vikk's bed with Vikk in his lap and Josh sat in the recording chair. "Simon..." Josh prompted.

Simon smirked at Vikk. Vikk had sat up so Simon's arms were free. He cupped the side of Vikk's face and pressed their lips together. Slowly, Simon slid his hand to the back of Vikk's neck so he was softly pulling his hair. Vikk wrapped his arms around Simon and just held on to him. Vikk let out a small moan as Simon tugged his hair giving Simon the perfect moment to slip his tongue in to Vikk's mouth.

With his free hand Simon gently pulled the hem of Vikk's shirt up, revealing his taut stomach. "Arms, Little Star," he said. Vikk let go of Simon and put his arms in the air.

Josh was bored of watching at this point and was standing behind Vikk. Josh grabbed Vikk's shirt and pulled it off him. Vikk gasped as the cool air hit his skin. "Straddle Si for me Babydoll," Josh said. Vikk bit his lip, but did as Josh said.

Simon held back a moan as Vikk straddled him. Even through the layers of fabric, he could feel the heat from Vikk. Simon pulled Vikk on for another kiss and Josh began to massage Vikk's shoulders. Simon began to kiss down Vikk's neck to his collar bone. Vikk was giving these adorable soft sighs as Josh massaged and rubbed his back, but when Simon kissed his sweet spot he let out a shaky moan.

"Si, Josh. Please let me wor...Ahhhh," Vikk tried to say as Simon slid his hand that wasn't holding Vikk up to palm Vikk's crotch. He arched slightly so his head was resting against Josh.

Josh stopped with Vikk's shoulders to play with his hair. He bent to kiss The base of Vikk's neck. "Somebody's getting hard," Simon whispered in Vikk's ear.

"Guuuuyyyyyssssss," Vikk moaned with his eyes closed.

Josh felt himself getting harder every time Vikk moaned. They had done this before and he and Simon were wondering if Vikk did this just for these 3 ways.

Vikk was confused from being so tired. He wanted to cry, moan, scream all at the same time. Simon let go of Vikk to rip of his own shirt. Vikk's full weight fell onto Simon's crotch.

Both moaned in pleasure. Josh snickered as he watched his two subs grinding on each other. Vikk bucked his hips so their hardnesses rubbed on each other. Vikk leaned forward so his forehead was pressed against Simon's bare shoulder. He was bouncing and grinding on Simon's clothed cock.

Simon was holding onto Vikk's hips and guiding him in little figure eights. Vikk's moans were hot against his shoulder. Simon was getting harder and harder. Josh grabbed Vikk off Simon. Vikk instantly wrapped his legs around Josh's waist and began to grind on Josh's hard-on that was pressing through his pants and into Vikk.

Simon let out a whimper from the loss of contact. While Vikk pulled Josh's shirt off, Josh moaned out "Si. Pants. Off. Now." Simon struggled to get his sleep pants of but finally managed it.

Josh was holding on to Vikk and they made out. He was gripping the smaller males ass while Vikk was running his hands through his hair over and over.
Simon watched as Josh set Vikk on the floor, with his ass in the air. Simon began to stroke his hard cock.


Why do I use so many words? Do I need all these words? Oh well I like words. If y'all like this tell me. If not tell me. I have a couple ideas for Sidemen smut so yeah.

I feel bad writing Pack smut. They all seem so innocent and I have a hard time doing. The Sidemen are waaaay easier.

Part 2 will be out tomorrow sometime. So far I have part 3 of this going as well. I have no idea how long it will be.

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