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*2000 years ago*

Merlin watched as Arthur's life was draining from him, his heart breaking as he watched. "No." He muttered. "Arthur! NO! Come on Arthur, hold on." Merlin cried desperately. "Y-you can't die. Not now." Merlin had just told Arthur about his magic two days ago, he can't die now.

"Merlin..." Arthur croaked, voice weak. "I... I can't."

Merlin was sobbing hysterically. "No, I refuse to accept that." Merlin stated vehemently. He knew this would happen. He knew Mordred would kill Arthur, despite his efforts at trying to thwart it. He should of listened to Kilgharrah when... Kilgharrah! Of course. Why didn't he think of that before? Merlin threw his head back and roared at the top of his lungs, summoning the Great Dragon. "O'drakon, e'male soi ftengometh tes'tup anakes! Erkheo!" Through his pain filled haze, Arthur blinked up at him, eyes unfocused.

"Wha-" He was cut off by the loud flapping of wings and a large shadow loomed over them both. "Merlin, wha-"

"Shh, shh. Save your strength." Merlin said softly to his King, quite unlike the harsh and roaring sound of the Dragon Tongue. When Kilgharrah landed, Arthur tried to move away, but flinched in pain. Merlin's heart ached for his King, subconsciously stroking his fingers through Arthur's tangled blonde hair. Arthur unconsciously leaned into the touch. Merlin's broken heart fluttered painfully in his chest.

"Emrys." The Great Dragon spoke to Merlin, who looked up at the sound of his true name. Kilgharrah's voice was sympathetic.

"Kilgharrah." Merlin said, urgency lacing his tone. "I need you take us to Avalon. To the Sidhe to save him."

"I wish there was something I could do, Emrys." Kilgharrah said, sadly.

Merlin shook his head, tears leaking his eyes. "No, I need you to take us. I have to save him, it's my destiny to protect him, you told me that." Merlin was desperate. He has to save him. He... He loves him. So much, and seeing Arthur like this is shattering his already broken heart.

"It is Arthur's destiny, Merlin." Kilgharrah said.

"NO! Please, Kilgharrah. I need to save him." Merlin said, sobbing. "He doesn't have long left."

Kilgharrah was silent for a minute. "Very well." Kilgharrah said, wearily. Merlin felt hope pooling in his heart. He could still save him. Merlin got up and had some trouble hoisting Arthur up, but managed with the help of magic. And in no time at all, they were on Kilgharrah and flying over the few leagues to get to Avalon. Kilgharrah landed just before the lake. The Isle in the centre of the lake visible to them. Avalon. It was beautiful. Merlin got off of Kilgharrah and began to hoist Arthur on the bank of the lake."Merlin." His name, made the young warlock look over at the dragon. "To save a life, a life must be taken. You know this."

Merlin did know this. Of course he did. "I know." Merlin said, and went to edge of the lake laying Arthur down by the water's edge. Merlin's eyes glowed a brilliant gold as he summoned the Sidhe. Merlin glanced down at Arthur and saw that he was barely breathing. Merlin's heart clenched. Barely a second later, the Sidhe appeared, moving too quickly for the human eye to see properly. Merlin's eyes flashed gold instinctively and time slowed down. The Sidhe were gliding across the lake's surface and, despite the serious situation, Merlin can't help but be awed at the beauty of it, like the first time he saw it all those years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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