The choice

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The art belongs to my best friend

She sat there staring into space as the rain poured down around her. She was praying to the gods that she hadn't seen what she thought she saw. But there at the edge of the forest it was. She didn't know what it was but it was big easily 12 feet tall with antlers and the skull of a deer. It stared at her as she shook from the cold and the fear. She watched as it devoured the other campers. It opened its jaws and let out a screech that sounded a mix between human and animal. She screamed in fear and took off running. The beast followed her. After hours of running she came to a cliff. She had no where to go, it had cornered her. She had to choose the cliff or the beast. And so she jumped plummeting to what seemed to be certain death.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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