Hayami Character Deep Dive

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Hayami plays a typical masculine lesbian role in her and Beatrice's relationship. At least, that's how it appears at first glance. Hayami is more than the strong, muscular, warrior Ancient Kitsune Beast she tends to portray herself as. She's a loving mother and someone still grieving the death of one of her children. She hides her emotions under a thick cloud of silence and stoicism, but she can (and does) show her tender side to her partner. No one can doubt her love for her beautiful wife and handsome boys, even the adopted sillombre, Shadow.

Hayami is meant to play the part of a mother still working through her grief in silence while supporting her partner and children in the wake of tragedy. She's meant to be very similar to another character, Felix, yet show a difference in how they deal with tragedy. Hayami takes sadness on the chin (most of the time) and strives to give those around her their much deserved full attention.

What was Hayami's relationship with Felix, Skylar, and Camilla?

Hayami and Felix were war buddies, relating to each other's pretty shitty childhoods. Parental neglect, abuse, and more were often the subject of their stories. They would have remained very close friends had Felix not shut everyone out and divorced his then wife, Skylar. Hayami did often check up on him through her two sons though, and was always ready to help him whenever he asked. Which, while not often, she still managed to achieve.

Hayami didn't get to know Skylar all too well before she died. However, she admired her strength despite being disabled.

Hayami and Camilla's relationship was quite complicated. When Camilla was still a very young child, Hayami quite liked her. She thought Cam was a strong, good little girl despite dealing with her parents' messy divorce and her father's PTSD. However, as Camilla grew older and her two sons' began developing hardcore crushes on the vixen, Hayami's thoughts and feelings towards her changed. She thought of Camilla as a manipulator. Someone who was leading both her sons' on and causing infighting between them. She only tolerated Camilla because of Felix after a while, and only accepted her and Max' marriage for Maxwell's sake. Even up to her death, Hayami didn't really care much for Camilla.

What kind of job did she work? Did she like her job?

Hayami was a member of the Underground Defenders. The police force for the underground. Her job was protecting the peace between monsters and humans specifically. Hayami didn't really like her job, but she did it very, very well.

Did she have a strong relationship with her family? What was her initial reaction towards the adoption of Shadow?

Hayami LOVED her family. Hayami was head over heels in love with Beatrice. While not outwardly affectionate, she showed her love through actions and love letters. Even though the two of them never initially planned to wed or have children, Hayami adapted quickly to the situation and found she had a lot more love to give.

Before Jaimes was killed, she doted on the boy as much as possible. As the first born child, she wanted him to feel loved and appreciated even when Maxwell was born. She spoiled him to no end. When he passed away, she was beyond shaken up. Almost nothing could console her for months.

Hayami loved her second born son, Maxwell quite a lot. She doted on him as much as possible. After the death of Jaimes, she had momentarily lost the will to keep mothering. Once regaining her will, she went ten times harder on not only doting on Maxwell, but being as protective as possible. She nearly didn't let him go to school out of fear he could be killed too, but her wife talked her into it. She eventually relented a bit when Camilla and Shadow entered Maxwell's life.

Speaking of Shadow, Hayami was initially quite wary of taking him in. It was another, albeit older Sillombre that had murdered Jaimes, so she hadn't been too keen on seeing another one. But once Beatrice laid eyes on potentially another son figure, Hayami was won over. She treated Shadow like she would her own son, even though she neglected to teach him anything about his heritage. Hayami was unfortunately too worried that if she let him see what others had written about his kind, she'd lose him. So she kept him as out of the dark as possible, alongside the rest of her family.

As for the rest of her family? Regarding her parents and siblings: Hayami doesn't speak to any of them. Her parents disowned her as soon as she became of age and married another, lesser fox breed then the suitor they had picked out. Later on, before she died, she did manage to make contact with one of her older brother's, who has two daughters of his own.

What would Hayami think of the Fox siblings?

Hayami only really knew Summer, and even then Summer was just a baby. She loved Summer quite a bit, often telling Beatrice how Summer kind of looked like Maxwell when he was just a baby. Unfortunately, she passed away the same week Jake was born, so she never had a chance to meet him or Mavis. However, she'd likely love them all the same. She'd also likely realize Jake isn't Max' son and expose this to both Cam and Max. In general though, she'd have loved all the grandkids and done her part in spoiling/raising them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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