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Lynn lit her eyes up at the rays of light shone on her. Last night, she fell asleep after she completed the workload piled onto her consisting of her brother's, her step-sister's, and her own. Since her father thought that her brother and her step-sister could reach excellent careers, the two took a lot of honor classes so the homework load was a lot but if she wanted to get hers done, she would need to complete theirs first. 


She startled and dashed to organize everything in a jiffy. She put her brother's homework in a blue folder and her stepsister's homework in a green folder. She then put her homework into her backpack and got dressed for school, tying her hair into twin buns with a pair of hair ribbons. After she got ready, she went down the stairs, only to be met with her brother and step-sister blocking the way.

"Is my English report done yet?" asked the girl in front of her. 

"Yes. Here it is, Morgan." Lynn handed the green folder to her. "I formatted it the way the teacher wants it and wrote a note in case he complains about it again."

"Good. This guy is giving me a really hard time when I'm just trying to pass his class." Morgan marched out of the house with the folder now in her backpack. Morgan is the same age as Lynn and is known as one of the social buterflies at the University of California Los Angeles with her involvement with extracurriculars. Plus, she also had the reputation as an intellect, thanks to Lynn's help in maintaining a good GPA. She had some time left to go before she could go pursue a career she wanted. 

"And here's your biology test as well as your writing homework, Brian." Lynn handed her brother the blue folder. Brian is Lynn's brother, who is 20 months younger than her and, like her, attends the University of California Irvine. Thanks to Lynn's efforts, he was able to pass all his classes, leaving him no worry when he left to spend time with his friends. His dream is to be a doctor and someday marry a girl who he can freeload off her riches to buy a lot of military stuff.

"Well, it's about time. I'm lucky that the professor agreed to let me take the exam home." Brian took the folder and was about to leave. "Oh. Dad told me he asked for you."

Lynn walked to her father's room to greet her father. "Good morning, dad." She made sure to stay on his good side because he spoke so loud that no one knew if he was speaking normally or shouting. "Have you been slacking off? Where's the suit for my friend's party for tonight?" Lynn sighed but maintained her smile. "It's in the car, so you can change into it after your daily coffee hangout. I hope you can understand..." Before she could finish, her father silenced her. "I don't need your explaining. Take out the trash and pay your rent by tonight. Do it as soon as possible." So Lynn had to do her chores before she can go to school. Her first class doesn't start until 10:00 am so there's some time. After she was done with her chores, she was relieved as she got into her car and drove to school. Thank god she saved up her allowance for her own car. Now, she didn't have to take the bus as usual since her father, brother, and stepsister used their only car every day. When Lynn arrived at her school, she went to her first class, which was at the Social Science Plaza building. Lynn liked school since it was something to bring her mind to ease and also the place where she could meet her best friends, Haruka, Michiru, and Wally. The three were waiting for her and got excited when she arrived and hugged them. They talked for a bit as they headed into their first class. Lynn was focused on the lecture, trying to take in as much information as she could from what her teacher was saying. She has always dedicated herself to her education ever since she was little, and now, she's a sophomore in college. Despite being in her 2nd year, she also took extra classes during the summers in between her school years. She made sure that her teachers didn't tell anybody; her father, brother, and step-sister never knew and believed that she was just too busy with paying her rent and doing all the chores piled onto her. Her work will eventually pay off since she'll be going to West Coast University for nursing after her 2nd year is over. It was no surprise to her friends why she wanted that career. She's a really nice girl who has been through a lot, and she wanted to help those in need.

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