Chapter 1

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It has been a really hard day for me today. I was tripped into mud in gym, forgotten my lunch, and got a A- on my math homework! After all of that can't A guy get a break around here?

"Dash to the office your dad is here to pick you up, he says it is very urgent." The intercom person announced. Yes! This day got better with the my adopted father to the rescue. "He signed you out so bring all of your stuff and leave " and then the intercom was off. I walked out of math class excitedly slamming the door hard as I left then grabbing it before it broke. Oh yeah, did I mention I was a super+++? No? Well let me start from the beginning A super is a person with powers designed into three categories, one for each plus. One is strength the most common containing only super strength. Another is speed the second most common, which contains super speed, and flight. The last is mind which is the rarest powers in one section. The mind section contains super intelligence, telekinesis and also telepathy also known as mind reading. A survey has recently shown that 1/121 people are at least a singular plus.

"Dash you are late, again. How does someone with super speed always be so late?" My father who lets me call him by his fist name Wallace knows about me being a super++ with speed, strength, and flight, but what I have not told him yet is that I am a super+++ with all those powers added with telepathy, and telekinesis.

"When he is starving he is" I said going into the small limo that he has , just the perfect size. Being a super at all means that I have to eat a lot to maintain normal energy, and be able to use my powers. "Is there anything that I can eat? I am starving since I forgot to bring my lunch" I explained to Wallace.

"Yeah there is two extra large bags filled with pizza. Only one remember what happened when you ate one and a half bags. I slowly started to frown remembering what happened.

"I thought we agreed to not speak of that day." I said angrily at Wallace while he grins and starts driving. We drive and it takes five minutes to get home. Oh yeah we live in a mansion. I run quickly to my room, grabbing a bag then back into the car. Wallace presses a button and the limo turns into a hi tech car. Did I mention he is a superhero and I am his sidekick? Well he is and I am. "Onward with the Batmobile" I said excitedly.

"I don't think there is anything we can do to make that more corny." He said while laughing hard.

"You could have said into the batmobile Robin." I did my weird Batman voice while saying it making him laugh even more. We start driving at high speed Wallace following the alert. "What do we have this time" I asked him while changing into my spandex super suit.

"Highest alert possible all I heard was a lot of screaming, and crying out for help. We sit there in an awkward silence thinking of the same thing. I can't remember the last time he went against us.

"It is him again isn't it. I thought he was locked up for good! They can't just let him escape like that he is a menace he is a monster. He deserves to die!" He was out and its because we did not let him be transferred to a state were death sentence was available. This time we must be ready for him.

"Do not engage until I am there" he said getting into character of his super gloomy hero. I say nothing and then get out of the vehicle. Angrily I fly to the scene, and he is there. Remembering Wallace's warning I stayed put, but then he started talking looking up from the body he was about to kill.

"Ah well if it isn't bright boy, where is Phantom. Obviously he didn't think you would restrain yourself from the man who killed your parents" he asks grinning. Anger rushing through me I advance.

"Die (insert offensive swear here)" I scream loudly. But he pulls a sci-fi looking thing out of his utility belt.

"Her blood is now on you" he laughs menacingly then starts to press the button.

"Nooooo I screamed loudly but before I could run his sidekick Monkey Wrench comes in with a flying side kick. Everything goes slowly and impulsively I use my telekinesis to push the gun away. Phantom comes out and I am left punching Monkey wrench crazy faster than ever before.

"Stop this now Light" I turn to face Phantom with the blood of Monkey Wrench all over my hands I look away and Monkey Wrench leg sweeps me and I fall. Having flight and strength with a decent amount of speed Monkey Wrench can escape easily. He grabs his boss then turns to me.

"I will see you later" he says in the annoying voice that has mocked me for years.

"Not if I smell you first" I retorted. He laughed then flew away.
At home
I changed into my normal clothes and wash my hands. I got to leave early because Phantom has to talk to the cameras and reporters. I stayed watching him smile and say how he was giving me a test and that was why I was left alone. He shook hands and took a picture with the lady I took out of gunpoint.

"I should be there I saved her!" I turned to see my friend, who is my butler hand me a plate of cookies. "Thanks Louise I said grimly.

"Bad day" he asked, but being a mind reader he already knew. I explained it all but then Phantom came in angrily.

(I made everything not in this box 1000 words. I am taking turns for books each turn is a chapter.)

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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