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It's been 3 months since Ingrid and Minho have seen the other's. One day Janson wanted to question Ingrid.

Ingrid: Just perfect
She says sarcastically.
Janson: Ingrid at the center of this whole mess, what a shocker, think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm
Janson sat in front of Ingrid.
Ingrid: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid
Janson: Where is the right arm going and why can't we find them?
Ingrid: I don't know I haven't seen them since you took me, which was more than 3 months ago
Janson: Where did they say they were going?
Ingrid: I don't know they never said
Janson: They must have mentioned it to you
Ingrid: Alright how about this, next time I see them I'll give them a field sobriety test, okay, we'll do the alphabet start with F end with U
Janson: How about you just tell me what I need to now or it'll get bad for you
Ingrid: What could be worse than being in a room with you
Janson left the room locking Ingrid in. Once she heard the door lock she ran to it banging on the door.
Ingrid: Wait! Open the door Janson! Open the fucking door!
Janson just looked at her and walked away. Once he was gone she walked over to the chair and threw it.
Ingrid: Shit!! Fuck you Janson! Fuck Wicked!
She went over to the table and sat on it.
Ingrid: How much longer are you gonna take? I miss you guys, I miss you Thomas, please hurry
The next day. Janson wants to try again. Janson unlocked the door and walked inside.
Janson: Ingrid you have one more chance to answer my question and I'll let you go, where is the right arm going?
Janson sits in front of Ingrid.
Ingrid: If I knew why would I tell you?
Janson: If it meant you getting out why wouldn't you
Ingrid: So you're asking me to tell you what I wouldn't tell
Janson: First I have no idea what you just said, second how about you just help me help you
Ingrid: Well I don't know how to help you help me tell you something
that would I Help you if I don't know it?
Janson: Are you doing this on purpose?
Ingrid: I don't know anything okay, can I just go?
Janson: Yes you'll be leaving this room but not to anything better
Ingrid: I really don't like you
A few days later Ingrid was crying when Minho came into her room and threw the vents.
Ingrid: Min?
Minho: Hey Bean, you okay?
He sat next to Ingrid.
Ingrid: I miss them, I miss them so much
Minho: They are gonna come for us okay, here
Minho grabbed the bracelet the guard took from Ingrid with all the charms on it.
Ingrid: How did you get it?
Minho: I stole it, it's the only thing you have left of the Galde, come here
Minho opened up his arms and Ingrid just melted into them. Ingrid fell asleep and Minho picked her up and put her in her bed then left to throw the vent's. Ingrid was asleep when she started having flashbacks of her and Thomas.

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