Chapter 6-Roadtrip and Is Omission A Lie?

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Storybrooke, Heritage Park - Recent Past

In the woods, on the outskirts of the humble fairytale town known as Storybrooke, Cruella and Ursula meet in the rain with Prince Charming and Snow White. The latter's expressions far too neutral for their usually hopeful and cheerful personalities.

"Well, well, well." Cruella drawled as they approached the two royals. "Look who's here. It's been a long time."

"We gotta talk." David declared, not one to stretch a conversation out any longer than it needed to be.

"Oh." Cruella scoffed, glancing to the sea witch next to her. "So the prince wants a chat? Okay handsome. Talk."

"This is our town." Mary Margaret begins. "If you've really turned over a new leaf, then you're more than welcome to stay."

"My." Ursula smirked. "Aren't we generous?"

"On one condition." The pixie haired woman turned towards Cruella and gives her a steely look. A shiver ran down the villain's spine at the darkness that shone in the woman's eyes. "No one must ever know what happened between us in the Enchanted Forest. And if you say one single word to anyone, especially to Emma when she returns. Well, you won't have to worry about the Evil Queen. I'll rip your hearts out myself."

Enchanted Forest, Somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere - Present

"We're not lost!" Emma growled.

Happy squared himself up, floating himself right in front of his best friend. "We are too! You don't have the slightest of ideas where you're leading us! Next thing you'll know, we'll end up at the bottom of a cliff!"

Their bickering continued as a sight left Regina's lips. She wasn't entirely sure what she had been expecting when she, Henry and little Savannah came along on this trip, but she was quite certain getting lost wasn't at the top of her list.

They had set up camp the previous night, seemingly in the right direction, but ever since they left the camp that morning they had been walking for hours and had passed the same tree at least three or four times. During the debacle, Savannah had been passed between Henry and the sorceress herself to allow Emma and Happy to figure out where exactly they needed to go. However, the little one was becoming restless and Regina suspected that she would need to be fed soon or receive a change of diaper.

"Do you think that this is how most of their trips were?" Henry questioned next to his mother, shifting his baby sister in his grasp as she continued to babble on and on about anything and nothing at all.

"Oh, I think that this is how all of their trips were." Regina informed. "Now, Henry, be a dear and keep an eye on your sister."

Henry raised an eyebrow in his mother's direction as she uncrossed her arms and begins to walk in Emma and Happy's direction. "What are you going to do?"

Briefly, Regina turned towards her son. "Pay attention, sweetheart, because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn how to drag your significant other around by the ear. Which you will only get to use when you're much, much older. Though, as I always say, you're never too young or too old to learn something new."

The boy hesitated, then nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

Regina smiled in satisfaction before she returned on her path towards the two arguing friends. She walked right up to them and did exactly as she had informed Henry that she would; she grabbed Emma by her ear and then took the map from her grasp in the same swift movement.

"Ow! Gina, that's my ear!"

"Really?" Regina drawled sardonically. "I hadn't noticed. I thought it was your hand, but since I have your attention - are the two of you going to continue arguing like children, or are we going to continue? Because if I recall correctly, we have less than two days left to get to Poseidon's palace. That's not counting the detour that we have to make in the process."

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