Chapter 7-Oh, My Gods. They Were Roommates

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Storybrooke, Blanchard Loft

Mary Margaret and David stared long and hard at the broken rattle the latter held in his hand. Memories of old swirled around in their minds as they continued to watch the item that David had retrieved from Cruella and Ursula.

On top of their worries was now a witch that went by the name of Zelena. This particular redhead was now confined to the Swan household along with Mulan herself. Neither of them were happy with the arrangement, but Mulan hadn't once tried to get herself out of it. The same could not be said for Zelena, however. It reached a point where Mulan had simply knocked her out by pressing down on a few pressure points before she threw her over her shoulder, said she would redress her wounds at the house, then loaded her into Ruby's mustang.

"You found that in Cruella's car?" Mary Margaret looked up at her husband, eyes filled with fear as she crossed her arms over her chest. "David, that belonged to Maleficent, you know how much that meant to her."

"I do." The prince agreed, nodding his head. "And I can only think of one reason why those two witches would wanna steal a totem of hers..." David trailed off, clenching his jaw. "A spell. A spell to resurrect her."

Mary Margaret's eyes widened. "Is that even possible?"

"You know, it doesn't matter what their dark magic can or can't do." David released a sigh of relief, holding up the totem. "Now that we have this, it's not even an option."

"But what if they discover it's missing?" Mary Margaret countered fearfully. "Won't they just find something else?"

"Then we take the one thing that Cruella and Ursula can't do without... Maleficent's remains."

"Under the library." Mary Margaret pointed out.

"That's right." David nodded. "We find them, we dump them in the harbor, then she's gone forever. And once Ursula and Cruella realize that, maybe they'll leave town, too."

Mary Margaret inhaled uneasily, then exhaled in the same manner. "And hopefully they'll take our secret with them."

Enchanted Forest, Motunui

"I look ridiculous." Regina spat at the poor excuse of a mirror in their hut, placing her hands on her hips as she scowled. "I feel like one of those girls in a poorly financed tavern or brothel."

The sorceress's attire could barely even count as clothing in her opinion. Her flat stomach was exposed along with an unhealthy amount of her long slender legs. The traditional island clothing that had been provided for them hugged her figure far too tightly as well.

Their own hut had been provided for them for the evening whilst Happy and Henry slept in the next. Little Savannah was safely tucked in one of the villager's arms as she had silently stood by and helped wherever she could to prepare the two women.

Emma snickered as she placed a crown made from the island's local flowers on her head, moving closer to Regina with one for her as well, beautiful purple flowers woven into the item. Her girlfriend tried her best to move away from Emma before she could place the item on her head, but given that the dragon had the advantage of strength there was nowhere to escape to.

"Would you stop?" Emma smiled broadly, staring at Regina's eyes via the mirror. "You look beautiful."

"A celebration is a waste of our time." Regina huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms over chest. "Poseidon is expecting us tomorrow and-"

"Gina, it'll be fine, okay." Emma gives the woman a stern look. "The thing you gotta understand about these quests is that you can't rush through them. Ursula said that he expects us in three days time. He literally means it then; not a day early nor a day late."

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