Beer and Roses

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The warm, golden light of the Three Broomsticks bathed the wooden tables and mismatched chairs in an inviting glow.

Imelda glanced up from her butterbeer to see Maggie Darling's face planted firmly on the table, golden hair splayed around her like a lion's mane.

"I'm so boooooored," she whined, voice muffled by the wood.

Poppy gave her a sympathetic pat on the head. "Most people would be happy to have a break from fighting goblin rebellions and dodging crime rings."

Darling's head shot up, hazel eyes flashing with indignation. "Well I'm not most people! I need something exciting to do before I lose my mind."

Imelda rolled her eyes, exchanging a knowing look with Poppy. Their thrill-seeking friend was clearly moments away from creating the very drama she so clearly craved.

As if on cue, Darling suddenly perked up, gaze fixed on something across the pub. "Ooh, look at Professor Garlik and Sirona over there. Don't they seem rather...cozy?"

Imelda followed her gaze to the two women chatting animatedly at the bar, heads bent close together. Garlik's cheeks were rosy, eyes crinkling with laughter.

Poppy sighed wistfully. "You're right, they do seem quite intimate. Makes me hope I'll find a special someone like that someday."

"Ugh, you two sound like Violet and Grace mooning over boys," Imelda scoffed. "They're probably just talking about herbology or something."

"Reyes please," Darling retorted. "That is not the body language of two people talking about plants." She gestured towards their animated discussion, noting the way Professor Garlik's eyes sparkled with laughter as she leaned in closer to Sirona. The warmth reflected in her rosy cheeks, hinting at something more than just friendly banter.

Poppy nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "I have always thought they seem rather close," she said, nudging Imelda playfully, trying to to ignite some enthusiasm

A slow, impish grin spread across Darling's face. "Well then, what do you say we do a little investigating?"

"Really?" Imelda raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because I'm bored and it'll be fun!" Darling threw up her hands in exasperation. "Honestly, Imelda, do I need any other reason?"

Poppy bit her lip, looking hesitant yet intrigued. "Well, some reconnaissance to uncover the truth does sound rather exciting..."

"Alright," Imelda sighed, trying to pretend she wasn't catching their enthusiasm. "But just a little investigation, okay? We can't let this get out of hand."

Just then, Sebastian and Ominis appeared, plopping down on either side of Darling.

"We're in!" Sebastian declared, grinning. "Now what are we doing?"

"Never mind what we're doing," Imelda snapped, feeling annoyed that the boys had managed to insert themselves into Darling's day - yet again. Today was supposed to be about just the three of them, not these two interlopers. "You're not invited."

"Come on, Reyes," Sebastian cajoled, leaning in closer to Darling. "We heard you talking about investigating something. You've got to admit, that is kind of our specialty."

"Leave it, Sallow," Imelda retorted, rolling her eyes. "This is our thing, not yours."

"Ominis and I are always part of the fun, aren't we, Darling?" Sebastian persisted.

"Speak for yourself," Ominis chimed in, sarcasm dripping from his words. "I'm only here because I couldn't find my way back to school."

Sebastian pressed, nudging Darling playfully. "You wouldn't go on some adventure like this without me now would you?"

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