C1: on the run

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Year 2008, 07, Day 30

Kinn was sitting in his Old bed,afraid of moving. His mum sold the house to a rich family just a week ago. This was the last time he would see Diego, his secret crocodile.

- here you go buddy. Last meal. have a feast! He said as he left the meat next to the Crocodile

Kinn sat on his bed, staring blankly at the wall opposite him as he ran through a hundred different scenarios in his mind. He couldn't believe that the day he'd been dreading had finally come. He had been afraid of moving since his mother told him they were going to be selling their house and settling elsewhere.

Just then, a knock came at the door. He hid his friend quickly before approaching the door

As he opened the door, his mother stood on the other side. She looked tired, which wasn't unusual given how much she had to work to support her kids, but it was definitely evident that something else was bothering her.

-Hey, Kinn? she said quietly as she stepped inside his room. Can we talk?

Kinn's face hardened a bit as his mother entered the room. Something about the way she was acting made his heart skip a beat, though not in a good way.

-Sure thing, mom. he said quietly. 

-We need to talk about something. It's kind of serious...

Kinn's heart sank a little bit as he heard those words. He wasn't exactly sure what his mother wanted to talk about, but it clearly wasn't anything good. Still, he wasn't about to let her just walk all over him like that.

-Talk about what? he asked, trying to keep his voice as even as possible. And why does it have to be so 'serious'?

-What do you mean by 'serious'? he asked again, the irritation in his voice getting harder to hide. He knew what type of answer his mother was going to give him, and he wasn't excited about it at all.

His mother looked irritated as well, though it was clear that she was trying her best not to show it. 

-It's not like you don't already know, she said. We're moving.

-I know we're moving, Kinn replied angrily, his patience growing thin with each word she spoke. -But that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.

His mother looked as if she was about to say something, but she stopped herself before she had a chance.

-We don't have a choice, son, she says quietly. 

-This deal is the one thing keeping us afloat at the moment, and I can't afford to lose it.

-I don't care! Kinn yelled suddenly, his anger overtaking him. 

-I just don't care anymore! You always only care about money! Nothing else is ever important to you!

His mother looked hurt by the words, and her eyes watered a bit. 

-Is that how you really feel? she asked with a trembling voice.

-Yes! he replied quickly. All you ever think about is money! I never get what I want, and I'm sick of it!

He knew that he probably shouldn't leave like this and that he should go back and apologize to his mother, but he couldn't stop himself. He was in too much pain and anger, and he just needed to get away.

He ran out of his house without looking back, not knowing where he was going but knowing that he had to put as much distance between him and his mother as possible. 

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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