Sippy Cups

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Little: Chrissy (4 years)

Caregiver: Eddie

Eddie had woken up from an amazing slumber, he sat up in the bed and rubbed his eyes. He looked over and saw Chrissy fast asleep with a pacifier in her mouth, he smiled at the sight. He carefully and slowly got out of bed not wanting to wake Chrissy. He made his way to the bathroom and began to brush his teeth. After he finished he went over to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast. During that time he heard a creak in the wooden floors, he turned around and saw Chrissy with her blanket in hand still sucking on her pacifier.

"Good morning Sleepyhead" Eddie said. Chrissy just nodded and walked up to Eddie, reaching her arms out wanting to be picked up. Eddie picked her up and rubbed her back gently.

"Did you have any dreams?" Eddie asked as he started to put the breakfast he had made onto plates.

"No, I need to go in my deep sweep for dat" Chrissy said in her childish voice as she rubbed her eyes. Eddie chuckled at the littles response and rubbed her head gently.

"Would you like some pancakes, made 'em myself" Eddie said as he placed Chrissy in a chair. Chrissy shyly nodded and Eddie placed a plate of pancakes in front of her pouring a bit of syrup on it and cut them up for her. Chrissy giggled as she ate the pancakes in front of her. Eddie sat at the table and ate his own plate of pancakes.

"Daddy I done." Chrissy said as she smiled and showed Eddie her empty plate.

"Good job, proud of you kiddo." Eddie smiled and wiped off her sticky mouth and hands. Chrissy giggled and left the table and went to the refrigerator, opening it and showing Eddie the milk and chocolate syrup.

"You want chocolate milk?" Eddie asked. Chrissy nodded and smiled. Eddie opened a cabinet and pulled out a sippy cup only to receive a whine from Chrissy.

"No want dat one." Chrissy whined as Eddie sat her on the counter.

"Then which one do you want hun?" Eddie said opened the cabinet again to let her look for the cup she wanted.

"I want da butterfly one." Chrissy said. Eddie started looking for the cup but was unable to find it.

"I'm pretty sure it needs to be cleaned sweetie, why don't you just use this cup. it's got dragonflies on it. They look like butterflies." Eddie reasoned as he closed the cabinet. Chrissy then started to cry and kick slightly. Eddie made the chocolate milk and screwed the lid on. He picked up the crying cheerleader and sat down on the couch and put her on his lap, rocking her slightly.

"I know you want the cup baby, but it's dirty. You don't wanna drink your milk with a dirty cup do you?" Eddie said as he wiped Chrissy's tears with his thumb. She shook her head and sipped her chocolate milk.

"See, it's still chocolate milk right?" Eddie asked. Little Chrissy nodded her head in response and cuddled into his chest. For the rest of the day Eddie and Chrissy watched movies and ended up falling asleep on the couch

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