my future as royalty

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Goshiki p.o.v
it all started the day the triplets were born, they were born it the middle of a war between mermaids and sirens, the queen is just after giving birth to three kids

Queen Nixie: honey how will we protect?

King Delphin: we will do what we plan to do

Tsutomu: *baby noses*

Tobio: *baby noses*

Akira: *baby noses*

Queen Nixie: ok...
Queen Nixie: give them to my sister....

King Delphin: i'll bring them now...

Queen Nixie: yeah...

the king pick up the three babies, and the queen started crying as the king put in a basket with a blanket and same more comfy things along with a few baby thing's, then put a seaweed and seashells bracelet on all of them. before leaving the room with the babies's blanket as the queen balling her eyes out, the king leaved the castle with the basket and swam to the surface, the king put his bracelet close to mouth and started whispering in it.

King Delphin: "human"

the king's tail turn into legs, then he started to whispering the same thing in it and one by one their tails turned into legs, Tsutomu stearted crying

Tsutomu: *crying*

King Delphin: sh!... sh!... it's ok baby sh!... sh!... we are almost there sh!... sh!...

Tsutomu: *crying*

the king gave a bottle to Tsutomu, then the king started walking up a hill.

the king's pov: ugh legs are so weird to move
the king's pov: suck it delphin this is for them

the king got to the house and knocked on the door, the aunty open the door slightly

Mina: hello?

King Delphin: hi

Mina: oh, it's just you

mina open the fully, mina picked the Tsutomu

Mina: hand me over a bottle!

King Delphin: ?

Mina: huh?

King Delphin: he just drunk

Mina: oh, some inside

they all start walking inside, they walk in the living room, and they sit down

King Delphin: .......

Mina: .......
Mina: so why did you come

King Delphin: i have come because i need your help

Mina: No!

King Delphin: .......

Mina: i'm not returning to the sea to-

King Delphin: no, no, no

Mina: no?

King Delphin: I need you to hide them

Mina: WHAT!

King Delphin: please, i need you to hide them

Mina: ....
Mina: fine....
Mina: but i'm doing this for nixie and them not you.......

King Delphin: i know....

15 years later
6:30am sunday
pm between Goshi and Kogane

Kanji: good morning love!

Tsutomu: morning babe

Kanji: are we still going on that date later?

Tsutomu: yeah but ma wants to talk with us

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