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I've always knew that my death would be somewhat intriguing, something people would go on talking about for many years to come, maybe write a book about. What I didn't know was I'd die this soon.

One thing I want to make clear is this wasn't me being well, me. I risked my life for a good cause.

My younger sister found me earlier today when I was in the orchard farm eating fruits straight from the trees and singing to birds, she was distressed. She told me she didn't want to get married to the crown Prince because she didn't know him. I laughed, who needs to know the Prince to marry him, he's the freaking Prince! A crown Prince at that. Who doesn't want to become Queen!? Like hello power and endless privileges, if anything Samila was lucky to be arranged to marry the Prince and my whole family was lucky to be related to her.

"It's just that," she stopped to sigh, "I wanna marry someone I know. Or at least know what he looks like." She complained.

Here's the thing, every Prince in line for the throne is supposed to go to Tefamaki at a young age and is expected to live there  undergoing training until he's eighteen years old so he'd one day become the greatest King Fadeh has ever known. Once training is complete, coronation happens and on that very same day he marries the girl that was chosen by his mother the Queen, preferably the most beautiful girl in the Kingdom which in this case was my sister, Samila.

In Fadeh everyone has a role to play, and is expected to fulfill it, failure to do so means the person has no purpose hence death. Unfair, I know. Which is what led me to what  I now understand is the stupidest decision I've ever made, offering to go to Tefamaki. My plan was to run into the Prince, draw him in hopes to save my sister's life because her stubborn ass would rather die than live unhappily. I mean she'd be an unhappy Queen with PRIVILEGES! Some people are unhappy and have nothing.

Quick to come up with a plan, I convinced Jozi to take me to Tefamaki because he was one of the few people who had a pass to enter the old palace. The other thing I did was wear my usual disguise, don't ask me why I have a disguise, and travelled to literally my death.

Tefamaki was a no girl zone, something about distracting the Prince, so it was impossible for a girl to enter the old palace, and if caught, execution without trial was the punishment.

I entered the old palace gates without difficulty, the guards falling for my disguise, they don't call me the master of disguise for nothing. They being Samila, Jabrah and Jozi. As soon as Jozi parked the carriage outside the storage house where he was delivering fruits and vegetables, I went on my way.

Jozi whispered my actual name before I went far, 'please be careful.' his eyes said. I nodded and continued off. I understand why the boy was worried. I was like his favorite person in the entire world and he practically led me to my death, I'd be anxious too.

Remind me why I thought I'd just see a face and know that's the Prince? I'm too stupid to think my plan was flawless, the most good-looking of them all is the Prince? Ha! Everyone was so damn good-looking! In my defense, the King and Queen are the most beautiful people I've ever laid my eyes on, it's by default their son to be the most good-looking person ever! Still true to my plan, I continued looking. Most good-looking, dressed different-

"Ah!" I squeaked as I tried to balance on my two feet, my hands reaching for something, anything so I wouldn't fall on my ass because I know how that hurts and I aim to avoid it at any cost. There was nothing to hold on to.

I felt a strong grip on my arm and I was steady on my heels, phewww.

The person, strong, tall, good-looking, dressed differently_ bingo! Gave me a weird look and I remember my high pitched scream.

I cleared my throat and stood properly. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." I said in the manliest voice I could muster. I did a fair job.

He didn't say anything for a while, he just studied me, his brown eyes travelling up and down my petite body. "You are too weak for a man." He mentioned.

I didn't know what to say to that so I focused on quieting my hammering heart, I was so busted.

"Did you get enlisted?" He interrogated.

I shook my head no, to which he raised one eyebrow demanding an explanation. "I am sick. Sickle cell anaemia." I said with a little more enthusiasm for someone who's days are likely numbered.

He nodded in understanding, things making much more sense I suppose. "What are you doing wandering the palace?"

"I'm delivering goods from the Palace and was looking for the toilet, it's my first time here." I lied smoothly.

"Just keep walking straight." He told me and went past me.

I could breathe again. That went well. Now I know what the Prince looks like, I just had to draw him and hand over the picture to Samila. I'm sure she'd fall for his handsome face. He had all the good features, thick eyebrows, dark eyes, strong jawline, full lips and beautiful long hair as icing on top of the cake. I smiled knowing I'd just saved my little sister's life and my family's reputation and status. I've finally done one thing right. In your face mother! I rejoiced.

"... the Prince asks for you." I stopped in my tracks as I heard a different voice say.

I frowned. What the?

Behind me "the Prince" was talking to a guard.

So he wasn't the Prince?


As quiet as a mouse, I followed him into the forest, it was only him that'd lead me to the Prince. I was sure to keep a safe distance, how'd I explain this if I was caught? For all I know they'd kill me for thinking I am here to murder the Prince.

I hid behind a bush as he started stripping the moment the river was in his view. In the river was a boy, he was swimming naked, seeming at peace.

"Come join me!" He invited his friend whom I've now figured is his personal guard.

The guard finished stripping and jumped into the water, butt naked. They started playing in the water like kids, laughing while jumping around.

I tried to take a good look at the Crown Prince but he had his back to me most times so I couldn't see his face. I only made out his body, he was tall and lean, while his friend was just as tall, only short with a few inches but more muscular.

Suddenly, the crown Prince raised his hand and his friend was silent, he looked around, and when he turn to look at where I was hiding, I ducked, missing his face of course. I waited for sometime, not breathing, then resurfaced only to find the Crown Prince missing and his friend dressing up quickly, while staring at where I was hiding of course which resulted in our eyes meeting. Shit!

Based on instinct I ran.

But I didn't go far.

So, this is the first chapter of When stars align. Tell me what you think about Tig in the comments. Much love.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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