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Nevermore Academy

Principal Weems escorted the Addams family of Morticia, the mother, Gomez, the father, Pugsley, the younger brother and Wednesday, Nevermore's newest student, to where Wednesday will stay for the rest of her school years. She opens the door to a gothic-styled dorm room but contrasted with colorful clad decorum by Wednesday's new roommate, Enid, who excitedly jumps up from her seat at her personal desk to meet her new roommate, much to the disdain of the young Addams.

"Howdy, roomie!" Enid exclaims, she is the same age as Wednesday, but they are complete opposites. Welcoming her new roommate with a bright smile to contrast Wednesday's indifferent expression, with her blonde hair with dyed blonde and pink tips and bright uniform attire.

"Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair." Principal Weems introduces Enid to Wednesday.

"Are you feeling okay? You're looking a little pale?" Enid questions.

"Wednesday always looks a little... 'half-dead.'" Morticia reassures Enid.

"Oh. Well, welcome to Ophelia Hall!" The energetic teen goes for a hug to be met with Wednesday backing away from it. "Oh, not a hugger. Noted."

"Please excuse Wednesday. She is allergic to color.", Morticia responded.

"What happens?" 

Wednesday speaks to Enid for the first time. "I break into hives and then the flesh peels off my bones."

This response leaves Enid with wide eyes as she attempts to hide her fear of the possibility of that being true, leaving Principal Weems to interject.

"Which is why, luckily, we've specially ordered a uniform." Weems turns her attention to Enid.  "Enid, please take miss Addams to the registrar's office to pick it up along with a copy of her schedule and give her a tour along the way." The principal smiles.

Wednesday keeps her emotionless expression as she turns to walk out the room, followed by Enid who ecstatically hops after her. 

Soon, they were walking through the school's halls with Enid giving facts around its history.

"Nevermore was founded in 1791, to educate people like us: outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here-" She is interrupted by the uninterested Wednesday who couldn't care less.

"You can save your sanitized sales pitch. I don't plan on staying here long." The gloomy Addams retorted.

They stop in the middle of the hallway as Enid inquisitively questions Wednesday.

"Why not?"

"This was my parents' idea..." Wednesday looks to her side to see a display case of trophies with an image of her mother in her younger years, standing as the captain of the fencing team. "Oh, look, there's my mother smirking at me." She returned her gaze to Enid. "They've been looking for any excuse to send me here. It's all part of their nefarious, yet obvious plan."

Enid looks confused. "What plan?"

"To turn me into a version of themselves."

Enid thinks for a moment, continuing their walk through the halls. "Then in that case, maybe you could clear something up? Rumor's been swirling around that you killed a kid at your old school, and your parents pulled strings to get you off."

"Actually, it was two kids, but who's counting?" Wednesday continued the walk, leaving Enid in disbelief before she snaps back to reality and follows her.

A little after, they arrive through the doors to the school courtyard, the Quad.

"Welcome to the Quad!" Enid exclaims.

Wraith of Woe (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now