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Max studied the data of where the crimes took place & where the people, ordinary law-abiding citizens went missing. How was this drug being ingested? The C.S.A. had plenty of theories but no evidence or footage, nor did they have any paraphernalia.

How was the C.S.A. missing this, Max already started triangulating the police reports, the missing reports and where the crimes happened. It was pretty much a central activity. Close to the City centre & the same for the surrounding towns. How could they have missed this?? They have analysts for this.

It didn't add up. The C.S.A. were huge and had a lot of resources. How did Max pick this up in 45 minutes when she's been away for four years? She didn't trust Langer one bit. Was he involved?

Max would play by her rules. She had other contacts she could trust. Maybe she should feed the C.S.A. limited Information and use her other contacts. Max had a lot of decisions to make, but she wasn't going to sit around waiting. She got her coat and left for the City.

Central City was quite clean, it was a nice place to live. Good connections, good public transport. Max was waiting for her tube train to take her in towards the centre. The train arrived and Max got in taking her seat. She noticed a man who kept looking over. He was staying on the radar. A few stops came and went. It was now Max and the guy in the carriage. He moved seats and sat behind Max. As always Max was calm.

The man whispered in her ear,

"We know you work for the C.S.A. You are going to come with me, Don't do anything stupid I have a gun."

Whilst the man was going through his instructions, Max began slowly pushing with her feet, her legs were bent at the knee and she began to straighten them. Her leg strength was forcing the front bolts up from the floor, bending the brackets where the seat was fixed. Her feet were crushing the platform she was pushing against, as her powerful legs started to straighten. The front steel supports on the seat started to fail, buckling from the immense pressure Max was applying, the steel groaning as it twisted out of shape. Suddenly, Max thrust her whole body back into her seat, the front bolts ripped out of the floor and the seat pushed back onto the man's legs trapping him.

"Argh!" the man screamed in pain

He was in a lot of pain as his limbs got crushed by Max's seat. The speed that she thrust back knocked the gun out of his hand.

Max got up from the seat. She grabbed his hands putting them in the gap between the top of the seat and the handrail above it. Her left hand pushing down bending easily bending the chrome rail, trapping his hands. Max picked up the gun off the floor emptying the ammunition. Her right hand then tightened around the gun crushing it in her strong vice-like grip.

"See what one little squeeze would have done," said Max, as she continued to crush the gun.

She sat down next to the trapped man

"Now, you need to tell me a little more information," said Max

The man didn't speak. Max already guessed that he wouldn't talk. She took his phone and his wallet, there were also some keys.

"What's the matter? Not in the mood for a chat? I'm a really good listener!" Said Max

He still didn't say anything. Max got out her agent's phone & texted a contact called Teds Clean Up. They'd take care of the rest and take the man in. She took a photo so they knew what to expect.

A reply came back...Max!!!!

The train stopped, before Max left she pushed the guy's head into the rail knocking him unconscious. She got off the carriage as the clean-up team got on. Those guys were getting quicker and boy were they magic.

Project Xx-The Return.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant