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——————section 1: the breaking——————

When I felt like everything was okay,
She tells me her love is dead,
I have to fake a smile all day,
While bad thoughts invade my head.

Nausea is what I feel when I eat,
Tears streaming down my flushed cheeks
When I attempt to sleep, to be discreet,
Not letting anyone see my pain, my weeps.

All my days are spent going over what went wrong,
I tried my best, yet my heart got broken,
When will I be enough? For a love that's strong?
I want to be happy, but my heart's been stolen.

She once was my fiancée, my life,
I thought she'd end up as my wife.

My heart aches from the thought of her,
The days we shared and the plans we made,
I just want it to be the same, how we were
When I was hers, when I was swayed.

She told me she'd be here and stay
So I gave my heart in the shape of a ring
And promised to love her every day
And to be the one she'd be marrying.

She's all I ever wanted and more
But her love stopped and she left me sore.
I lost my girl, my best friend,
She was mine till she figured she's straight;
Was being gay just a passing trend?
She might as well be a stranger at this rate.

Now she's changed into this girl
Who craves love from a boy.
I'm not one so she left me to hurl;
I even thought of being a decoy
Lying to myself just to keep her.
The plan wouldn't work out
I'm not a real keeper.

It's just been a few days since she left
And she's ready for someone new
She stole my time like it's a small theft
Now she's only a person I knew.

How could I not miss all the memories we made,
Laughing at a horror movie,
At a wave getting us drenched
Besides, I'll never make any more in ma vie.

I've already started letting go of my love,
My friends have given me a lot of help,
She's not anymore my dove
Even now, I've cried when I've slept.

end of love Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ