when a writer meets a brick wall

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"Sakusa-Kun with all due respect no one is going to want to read this" Yachi, his publishing manager told him, she tossed the large tied together pile of papers on his desk, the thud of the labor he had forced himself to finish at four am on a Tuesday sat sadly staring back at him.

Yachi looks him up and down she sighs with pity, the soft light from the setting sun dresses his office in orange hews. Kiyoomi is tired, and he doesn't know what else to do about this book. When he proposed the plot and characters to his manager meian, he said he loved it, Kiyoomi then ran it by Yachi herself and was met with enthusiasm.

Sakusa Kiyoomi, world-wide loved writer of science fiction, had the idea of him writing a romance book, something out of his comfort genre came off as both a good and horrible idea but it didn't matter as much really. Kiyoomi knew he was a good writer; he had the reviews and awards to prove it, but this novel was the one thing he couldn't seem to get right.

"See the problem is, Sakusa-san you have never been in love, especially not with a country boy" Yachi informed him. He leaned back in his chair, the fatigue of the all-nighters he's been doing, piling up on him. Yachi is right, the closest thing he has ever felt to love was his gay awakening of now world-famous volleyball star wakatoshi Ushijima. Growing up a city boy didn't help with the fact he knew nothing about the country

"it's a great book, truly it is" a voice that sounds too familiar talks and Kiyoomi doesn't like where this is going, Kiyoomi groans and slides down his chair until only his hair is visible over the desk. Standing in his doorway is his dear friend and his editor iwaizumi Hajime.

"However, the romance of the romance novel, doesn't feel natural" Hajime looks at the desk with worry, Yachi and he share a concerned look towards the curly tuft of hair that belonged to the man way too tall to be crouched under a table.

Kiyoomi felt broken, at least his spirit did. This was a good idea he was simply struggling; the book is due for its second draft in seven months, which is not enough time to rewrite the whole plot.

Kiyoomi is normally great with dates, but this romance novel is killing him inside and out. Kiyoomi hiding from Hajime, thinks for a moment. If he could somehow get experience of some sort this wouldn't be a problem the only issues are that Kiyoomi knows nothing about the country or it's male population.

"Stop hiding from me, Kiyoomi" Hajime huffs with irritation, Kiyoomi whines as he reappears in his chair, Hajime sits on the second chair in the office Infront of Kiyoomi's desk "oh please have a seat" Kiyoomi mocks his friend with fake hosting. The angry smile on Hajime's face describes how Yachi is feeling exactly as she watches these two idiots.

The two go into a silent argument which is quickly broken with a loud cough from Yachi, "Sorry to interrupt... that but we have a problem and so far, I see neither of you two trying to fix it" Kiyoomi jumps looking towards Yachi in pure fear. Yachi looked towards the two before continuing "So, while you too were, for lack of a better phrase hate eyefucking each other I had tried to message an old friend." Hajime squawks out a panicked noise at the idea of 'eyefucking' Kiyoomi.

Kiyoomi snickers at his friend, fearing Yachi is not something Kiyoomi is not used to but watching his older friend who could physically drop kick this small woman across his office cower is just completely hilarious. Hajime glares back at him.

The lady continues while the two look at her in hope "he gave me the number of these twins who are willing to help you" she smiles, her grin hid worry and if it was anyone else they wouldn't see it but it was Kiyoomi and Hajime, they know the type of people Yachi knew in high school and that they aren't to be trusted "what's the catch?" Hajime questions.

The physical gulp that the two can see Yachi take is never a good response to the question "what's the catch" so when Yachi readjusted in her seat the two knew that Kiyoomi wasn't going to enjoy. She kisses her teeth before clutching her phone as she reads the message "in his words, I have a really big crush on his cousin so I was wondering if he could set me up to meet him at least" Kiyoomi scowls, Komori moyota his famous cousin and the most simped over actor/musician ever, Kiyoomi loves Komori but having to deal with this dude trying to thirst for his cousin is going to be painful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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