My relationship with laziness

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At about twelve, the king of laziness Sami woke up, holding his phone to look at the clock (Oh, it's still too early) you may not know, but he sleeps from four in the morning until six in the evening, of course, because he didn't have anything to do but sleep and watch anime, Instagram and manga these three were his biggest love he rarely left his house to play and when he and that in the winter, and his father was what he called that movement in the tent, he was a lover of darkness that had nothing to do with light, I think that because of his love for the darkness of turning off the light is the thing The only one who was not unable to do, after he saw the clock, opened the curtains, looked at the window that was directly above his bed to hear ordinary people or, as he called them, big energy people playing, walking and doing ordinary things and said (relieve what a nuisance I think they were the reason I woke up)closed the curtains again and continued his sleep until it was seven o'clock he woke up and went to the kitchen without going to the bathroom to wash his face yes the king of laziness never had anything to do with cleanliness he thought that if his fears.He opened the refrigerator to eat anything edible without cooking and found in the refrigerator some of his sister's snacks that he took without a grain of regret, we all agree that all A house contains a person who steals anything in the refrigerator without permission, and this was one of his talents, and then stealthily appeared in his room, closed her door and leaned on his bed to enter those foods inside his tent and opens his phone to open an episode of his favorite anime (scissors Seven) and starts eating he thought that the food would be enough for two or three episodes, but it's barely enough for one episode I think this is normal, all people think that she has a lot of food before watching what she wants, but most likely she finishes her food before to watch even half of the episode, but it doesn't matter because he heard the voice of his mother calling for dinner, he got up in a hurry to sit down at the table before everyone else and ate his dish so quickly that he finished before his family members sat down, and then he got up in a hurry back to His father was not the kind who physically abused his children, but he verbally abused them when they made mistakes and being lazy is difficult because you have to face a thousand criticisms a day and for this you will have a situation, which is the fear of verbal punishment, you will wish to be beaten, not to talk to you about your qualities.After his father met him, he said, ' Where Are you going at dinner time?'
He said: to my room I have finished my dinner.
He said:yes, you only manage to sleep, eat and carry the phone, your friends are playing everywhere, going out and having fun, and you don't leave the house, look at your eyes, the blackness has started eating what is under your eyes....A lot of Talking made him wish that he had not met his father, then he went to his room to think, because he is a person suffering from excessive thinking, and after two hours of thinking, he came out of the House of his thoughts to look at the clock, and he found it twelve at night, wearing his black winter shirt, which is wide, and wearing his shorts that Those Dreamers who think they will find their soul mate on the surface because they share a love of darkness, after one and a half O'clock came at night, he decided to go to bed to communicate with people in the Instagram application, but he soon finished their topics that did not attract him, but he was responding only because he had nothing to do, then he went to read a little (manga) and then fell asleep to wake up on Sunday to the screams of his father wake up, you idiot, you'll be late for school, you never learned how to wake up alone, fuck, there's no use begging you ever....He woke up mentally and physically devastated, but he didn't utter a word and went to the school he was entering like a bat. he woke up for the first time in the morning, coming out of his cave, tired and sleepy, and saw the sun and Colorful pictures around him . Saturated with movement and energy . And he didn't like any of it, light or sound ... So he kept moving his eyes to see those birds, and he was disgusted with them, and he didn't even want to look at them or talk to them, and then he just sat on a branch of a tree at the end of the forest, which was fraught with shadow, where no one noticed his presence.And so the miserable days of his life were replayed like a TV channel showing one movie and repeating it every day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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