Hikikomori - Modern AU! Aizetsu x Reader

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Since I made a story featuring the angry boi, why not the sad cutey? Maybe I might make a threesome with the other two, but don't quote me on that. Also, Aizetsu looks nice as a human and with a suit. Other than that, enjoy the story!

Hikikomori: (in Japan) the extreme avoidance of social contact, especially by adolescent to young adult males.

You wake up from your phone alarm, and see that it is 7:45 AM. You've never woken up this early, usually you would wake up at like 10 or 11, but never at 7 or 8.

You sat up and put in your password as you went to the group chat.

Morning everybody

You typed as you yawned and wiped your eyes.

Morning, (Y/N), you're up earlier than usual 😊

Yeah, I'm surprised too, I've never woke up this early before. But, other than that, hru?

I'm doing good, currently taking a jog from the park rn

He typed as he sent a photo of him running along the path, and another photo of him waving at the camera, smiling.

At 7 in the morning tho? No one is that awake and ready to go for a run bro

Idk, he seems to enjoy it, Maybe there's other people like him who like to go on a walk at 5 to 7 in the morning
I'm making breakfast btw
And by I, I mean my gfs
Not that you give a shit
It's rice, miso soup, and ohitashi
Good shit

Can you stfu?

Make me 🙂

Can y'all shut the FUCK up, I'm trying to sleep, and yall just blowing my phone for no reason

Blame it on (Y/N), she's the one that sparked this convo. She didn't have to type anything in, but noooo~ she wants to announce her presence in the chat about her waking up early, like thats an achievement
I mean, it is to her
But we could care less

I care

Of course you do

Tf is that suppose to mean?

It means why tf are you speaking now? You were dead silent when (Y/N) and Uzui, and Kyojuro were speaking, but the moment Mitsuri talks and I respond, you come out as the white knight cuck you are trying to defend her
Gtf out of here

Damn Sanemi, that was cold
I mean you're not wrong, but did you have to say it?
Could've at least sugarcoated it

Yeah, cmon Sanemi, leave him alone, he just cares about her, thats all

Oh come on, you know I'm right. How many times do you see him trying to talk to her, and he immediately gets shut down by her, and immediately rolls with it?

You didn't type anything, but you knew. You saw it so many times happening to him, that you honestly felt bad about him getting swerved every time he tried to talk to her.

Exactly, if he mustered some balls, he could actually tell her that he loves her, but, unfortunately, the mf's a pussy, and won't even try to say it to her

Iguro loves me?

🐍 has left the chat.

You see my point? Fucking coward bro, I swear

"𝙀𝙘𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙮..." - 𝙆𝙉𝙔 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙑𝙤𝙡. 2Where stories live. Discover now