"Oh yikes! That one was worse then listening to people debate my gender!"

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          You and the spot (formerly Johnathan) were pretty close. You two met after you caught him trying to steal an ATM and horribly failed. You laughed at him for a little bit but when you saw he was embarrassed, decided to befriend him. He wasn't half bad of a (kinda) person. Despite the holes and what not.

          One day Johnathan invited you to come over to his house which was actually just an abandoned building since he couldn't get a real home given the situation he was in. You of course said yes because you couldn't turn down your best friend! As you made your way over you stopped and got yourself and him a nice treat. Even though he couldn't eat, you knew he would enjoy it. A cute donut with the iconic Spider-Man's face on it! This would surely make him laugh. You knocked on the door and awaited a response. One of his portals opened up beneath you and plopped you right in the entrance of his house. This wasn't unusual to you, he actually did this quite often....

          "Y/N! Thank you for coming! Now look at this!" He offered a hand to you for assistance getting up and then quickly turned around and practically skipped to the next room over. As you walked into the room and sat your bag of baked goods on the chair you wrapped your arms around his waist and looked over his shoulder at whatever he was so excited about. He flinched at your sudden touch but wasn't to bothered as physical touch wasn't foreign in your relationship. "Isn't this incredible!"

          "I thought you said you wouldn't do anything sciencesy again after your um... accident..." you said calmly.

          "Oh please Y/N, you can't keep a nerd from doing nerd things even if you try! I may not be the same man I was physically, but I still have my intelligence!" You just chuckled and listen to him explain what you were looking at with  big science words that you didn't understand. "Now look closely as I pour this liquid into the glass!" He only got one drop in before it exploded. It was just a minor explosion but still enough to ruin the whole experiment. "Oh.... I don't..... know what happened...."

          "Yikes! That one was worse then listening to people debate my gender!" At this point you were on the floor laughing your ass off while he just stood there dumbfounded. He was almost as embarrassed as he was when you first met.

          "Y/N please stop laughing....... I truly don't understand what went wrong...." He wasted no time to rip through all his notes and try to figure out what ever he did that fucked it up.

          "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! If you want the truth, I don't have a clue what you were talking about! You could've lied and told me that was the experiment, and I would've believed you. Here." You got up and grabbed the donut from earlier. "I meant to give you this when I first got here..." You opened the box but inside was a smooshed donut that previously resembled Spider-Man but now just looks like a bunch of black and red goop. You assumed it was from the fall previously you when he teleported you into his house.

         "Thank you." He smiled and grab the donut out of your face and then threw it into the void of his face. He sat down and looked up at you. "I really really wanted to show you my experiment. I thought....." he hesitated before speaking again , " I thought if I showed you, I was still smart you would think I am really cool and like me more..." he attempted to face palm, only for his hands to go through his face hole. He groaned as one of his hands went out his stomach, and the other one went out his shoulder.

          "I still think you're cool either way, Jonathan." you kneeled down on the floor and looked at his semi human face, and placed a hand on his opposite shoulder. You can only assume that in his own way, he blushed as he looked away from you, pulling his hands out of his face.

          "Thanks..." he opened his arms for you to hug him and of course you accepted. The hug was long, but sweet.

          "Now let's review your notes and see if we can try again, hm?" You stood up.

          "I'd like that."


I really hope you enjoyed that because I haven't ridden fanfic in literally so long so I'm sorry if this is kind of bad and short. 😭

I literally love the spot sm

The Spot (spiderman atsv) x GN readerWhere stories live. Discover now