ACT I.5 Chapter 13

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Alex is dreaming.

9 years ago

Ricardo: "Your mother may not approve, but look at this. You're suspended, which means no school, and your birthday is tomorrow. Are you excited?"

Alex: "YEAH!"

Ricardo: "I have the best gift for you too."

Nina: "I guess it is your birthday, so I'll take you off punishment."

Ricardo and Alex jump out of fear.

Ricardo: "Where'd you come from?"

Nina: "I was here the whole time."

Ricardo: "Your mother is one scary thing."

Nina: "Thing?"

Ricardo: "I meant my beautiful, loving wife."

Nina: "Thank you," she says while blushing.

Nina: "Are you ready for your birthday, Alex? I have a gift for you too. It might not be as good as your father's, though."

The day passes.

Alex's Birthday.

Alex wakes up and walks down the stairs.

Nina & Ricardo: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEX!"

Alex: "Thank you, Mom and Dad."

Ricardo's phone rings.

Ricardo (Alex's Father), on the phone: "We have a lead on Kuroji?..."

Ricardo: "Sorry, work calls. Enjoy your birthday, son."

Ricardo kisses Nina and hugs Alex while grabbing his coat and umbrella, since the forecast said it was going to rain.

Alex and Nina: "See you later."

6 Hours Pass.

Alex and Nina hear a knock on the door. Nina answers the door.

Alex sees a police uniform and assumes it's his father. He gets closer and realizes it isn't him, so he goes back.

He watches the officer say something to Nina.

Nina closes the door and looks at Alex with a face full of tears.

Alex: "WHAT DID HE DO?" He says angrily.

Nina: "He didn't do anything."

Alex: "Then why are you crying?"

Nina: "I wish I could tell you."

An hour passes.

Alex: "When is Dad coming back?"

Nina can't hold it in anymore.

Nina: "He's not coming back."

Alex: "What do you mean?"

Nina: "Your father was killed in action."

Alex: "So... father's... dead?"

A tear drops down Nina's face.

Alex doesn't seem to have any tears going down his face.

Alex: He was KILLED in action? Who could've killed my dad? He thinks to himself with a face filled with rage.

Alex storms up the stairs to his room and slams his door.

10 minutes later, Nina opens his door and leaves the gift Ricardo mentioned earlier.

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