Jeremy Jordan as Apollo for PJOTV

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Ok! I love the fancast of Sam Claflin as Apollo, But hear me out.

Jeremy could be perfect for this role!

And yes I'm a fan of Jeremy but I'm serious. i even brought in another person and she agrees with me.

Ok, 1.

Let's talk personality. First, "arrogant, self-centered." He can do that! Take Jamie from the Last Five Years. 

That's literally what Jeremy's past role's personality is. Jamie is a growing author who is in a relationship with Cathy, a young actress played by Anna Kendrick. (Btw, I suggest this movie). The last five years is about their relationship. One of the downfalls of their relationship was when Jamie kept going to parties and ignoring Cathy, and even skips Cathy's birthday to go to a party. He doesn't go to her plays anymore. Jamie's career thrives and Cathy's goes down hill. 

A few quotes from Cathy is "Jamie arrived at the end of the line. Jamie's convinced that the problems are mine. Jamie is probably feeling just fine" and "What about you Jamie?" Showing Jamie's self-centered side. 

Also, don't get me wrong, it wasn't just Jamie's fault don't come after me.



"Cocky" and "Flirty". This is where we combine Jimmy, Jack, And Jamie. 

Hm. I just realized that that's a lot of J names. Jimmy, Jamie, Jack, JM Barrie, Jeremy, Jordan. Any way.

We're gonna focus on Jack though. Have you seen Jeremy as Jack? Jack's a Newsie or Newsboy. He's a leader and is really flirty and mentions he has had multiple come and go relationships, "look girls are nice once or twice till you find someone new", but he especially likes to flirt with a certain journalist. (Katherine Plumber is that journalist for those who don't know).

Some examples, Katherine asks Jack what he really wants while giving him an interview. He then replies "Can't you see it? In my eyes?" As he looks straight at her. He then later on in the interview Katherine asks what he's hoping for tomorrow and he replies "I'd rather tell you what I'm hoping for tonight"... disney-

And earlier he mentions "locking the door" to Katherine during 'Don't come a knockin'... Disney-

Anyway, in that same scene, he starts to flirt with Kath more, getting turned down, and trying again. He tries to mention he works in the same industry as her, in which she shoos him off. He then says "the view is better up here" and looks at her ass and raising his eyebrows... DISNEY-

Like I swear it's not just my dirty mind!!


Let's get this one out of the way. 

He's an amazing singer. And I mean, REALLY good singer.

Like, He's the best singer I've ever heard.

Every time a vocal coach reacts to him, they have no criticism.

Apollo is the God of music. I can imagine Jeremy as Apollo just belting the wheels on the bus when they're on the chariot to pass time.

Here let me just give you some my favorite performances.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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