Chapter 1

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Rishi is sitting on the sofa at his home while scrolling through his phone. He is looking for a doctor to visit. He goes through various websites to book an appointment and confirms one with dr. Sathya, whom he assumed to be a male doctor. It was important for him to go to a male doctor as he had to visit a sexologist. 

The next day morning rishi is standing in the bus stop waiting for a bus. He is wearing a comfortable cotton streachable dark grey trousers, with a white shirt. He's a lil worried to meet the doctor as he feels that slight discomfort to talk about his problem with the pain in his testicle. 

As the bus arrives he boards on the bus which is a volvo ac bus. In banglore it's an advantage to roam around in ac bus to avoid the noise outside and to be able to travel comfortably. He chooses a seat that is somewhat in the middle of the bus as the bus is pretty much empty. He sits on the left side to the bus, to have that clear view outside. If you have travelled in ac bus you will know how clear the glass windows are gonna be. He plugs in his airpods and starts his playlist.

 After a few stops a girl boards on the bus, it's a common instinct of every guy to check out all available girls around them, so does rishi who takes a look at this as she is standing in the front near the driver buying her ticket. Shes struggling to hold on to something while she has to use her phone to pay for the ticket (the ac busses have upi payment). 

She's wearing a black clothed mask only making her eyes visible. Those eyes are bright due to the kajal on her eyes. She had a ponytail with few hair left on the sides of her face to tuck them behind her ears every now and then. She's wearing one of those metal earings which hanging on to those ears, not too big not to small just the right size to make it swing according to the movement of the bus. She's wearing a black kurta top which is mostly plain except on the collor and cuffs of her sleeves. Sleeves which were upto her elbow. She had a blue jeans which was ankle length perfect fit to her body. All of this and that one small dot on her forehead, a black bindi. 

As she bought her ticket she walks towards the back of the bus and catches rishi's eyes looking at her. There's this eye contact that every guy loves. The girl looks for a split second more than she actually needs to look. That 0.5 secs more which makes a huge difference to every guy out there. As she makes that eye contact his heartbeat rises and his breathing changes. There were a few empty seats in the bus which she could have choosen but she walks further back and stops right next to rishi's seat. He's so sure she won't sit next to him as there's an empty seat to the other side of his row giving her access to the big windows. But as she moves her bag forward she adjusts herself to the side to scoot into the seat right next to rishi.

 This makes him go numb without knowing what to do. He unlocks his phone and pauses his song. He's scared if the bus goes silent then she can hear his heartbeat that's how fast it is now. But his face has a complete different story, it looks like he's all cool not giving a f*ck about anything. That's a common trait that boys have, to act cool on the outside while running around like a cartoon character in the inside.

 She takes a quick look at the boy, he's wearing airpods listening to songs. She keeps it very casual as she checks him out from the hairstyle he has got to the shirt he's wearing, the fragrance that he has put, his shoes, how tall is he, how big is his hand to every small detail she's just observing him. While she's doing all these, rishi is looking at his blank screen which is not turned on, he's looking at the reflection of the girl through his phone. He can see how many times she looked at him, what she's looking at and every move that she made just by tilting his phone around. 

As she's stalking him in and out she wonders why is he not even caring after giving that 1sec eye contact. She looks at his phone to see what he's looking at but to her surprise the phones off. Now she looks away to the right side and is shocked and looks suddenly back at his phone again realising him looking at her through the reflection. She's staring at him dead in the eye through his phone. Not knowing what to do she looks up straight with her eyes wide open in shock and her heartbeat increased to peak. 

After catching her he laughs out ever slightly and puts his phone in his pockets. She's having the biggest smile and pinkest blush but both covered by the mask. She slowly turns her head towards him where he's struggling to hold his laugh, he turns his head slowly towards her giving a smile at her and looking at her eyes which are now squinted slightly as she's smiling with embarassment. 

He introduces himself and gives a fist bump to her and she also introduces saying "hello I'm Ria... ".

 Now there's an awkward silence between them, to break this silence he asks "and you are from? " to which she replies "born and brought up here only, u? " he doesn't want to tell the full complex story of why even tho his parents live in banglore he is staying in a seperate flat on the other side of the city, so he replies "same... ". Now she asks him "are you working or studying? " he says "i'm currently working in bosch as design engineer, you? " ria-"i'm doing my CA... " after a few chats about getting to know eachother he realises he has to get down in the next stop, so he states it to her indicating what next. She asks for his number and he types in his number and saves it by putting this emoji next to his name. She smiles by seeing it and says "let's catch up sometime... I'll text you" he says yeah sure and gets up to come out. 

He looks at her 3 times while getting down the bus, once while he's walking towards the door, and other while he's about to get down, and at last through the window they both wave at each other. He's still not able to believe this happened to him but acts like it's a common thing he met a girl in the bus. He has to walk around 500m to the clinic, puts on google maps and starts walking. 

As he reaches near the clinic he notices he's 10mins early and decides to wait inside the clinic. While he's near his location he notices a small board with a red+ and the name of the doctor with its designations next to it. He realises it's a home which is turned clinic, as he walks closer he then sees the garage of the house which has a bigger board of the doctor's clinic. It's an independent house with long and wide walkway which has a garage turned clinic at the end of it. 2 cars can easily fit inside the walkway, but it is filled with pots on one side and climbers decorated on the grill making it look like a tunnel. 

As he walks to the clinic through the walkway he notices it's locked. It's a sliding door which he tries pushing but is locked and he looks around to see if he finds someone but notices a bell. So he rings the bell placed next to the door, he can hear it ring inside the house which is to the right of him. He realises it's one of those doctor who has a clinic in his garage and only attends when he has visitors. He hears movement in the house and the door opening. The main door to the house is near the gate so he looks back to see for the doctor walking towards him. To his surprise it's a girl wearing a jeans pant and a top that is loosely fit to her. Shes in a ponytail (god knows why i'm obsessed with ponytails) as she walks towards him he asks "hi, i'm looking for Dr. Sathya i have an appointment with him today at 12:30pm. " to which she replies with a smile "I am Dr. Sathya and you are 10mins early... ". She says this by giving him the sidelook with a smile for him assuming the doctor to be a male. 

He's all shocked and worried cause now he has to talk about pain in his b@lls to a lady doctor, what if she asks to show, or she wants to check, what if he gets an hard on while the check-up, what if she files harrassing case, what if it's embarrassing, what if she gives him a look for choosing a female doctor. All these thoughts running in his head and his mind suggesting him to run from there and not to look back. But he chooses not to do so and asks the doctor as politely as possible, "hmm... Actually i'm sorry but i didn't know you were a female doctor if i had known i would have not booked an appointment, i know i have wasted your time but... " she cuts him there and says "no noo... Not again i have lost so many visitors stating they are not comfortable with a lady, trust me i'll be very comfortable and non judgemental, this is my job i have been trained for this and it's totally normal for anyone to have any type of problem. You don't have to feel embarrassed nor discomfort, you can stop me at anytime where you don't feel comfortable does that sound good? " still not happy he has no choice but to say yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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