Part 2 - Chapter 1.

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"And this is where the ghastly looking being is held. With a constant grumbling stomach showing she desperately needs food, her skinny appearance, her bleeding eyes and scars that were caused by whips, you could say this one is the best art piece here!"

People started to take pictures of Luz, whose legs were tied by a rope, both hands joined together by a special type of nail, and her body looking skinny as ever much usual. She had stayed in that position for years now — as she ate no food, drank no water, gnawed her teeth continuously and developed a strong prejudice for everyone.

. . .

Amity Blight. She was in Heaven as the innocent girl she was, helping other angels to carry some goods as she passed by the gate. Despite after so many years, her mind couldn't stop thinking about Luz, who probably hated her. She didn't like that thought, so she tried her best to move on, but it was to no avail.

Until a certain day came for hapless Luz.

As she struggled to escape the grasp from the nail that joined her hands together and the rope that tied her legs, she uttered a word.


Someone who was passing by immediately got under her control and removed the nail and the rope.

"Ah.. Freedom."

As soon as Luz stood up, she fell down. It was years she was able to stand and walk, but she had to try. She was weak, fragile for not eating. Luckily for her, the being which she had commanded to remove the nail and rope that was holding her hands and legs from moving had some food on them and she devoured it, including the person.

"I must get my revenge."

Luz was able to get some strength and started walking. She immediately went to Heaven and opened the gate. The Angels looked at her in fear and immediately ran away from her sight.

A random angel: "Hey you, aren't you supposed to be-"

Before that angel could finish their sentence, Luz looked at him and he exploded. Their blood splattered all over the whitest cloud that the angels had been walking on and all their faces showed absolute horror. Some ran, some decided to face Luz.

Up to 10 angels had swarmed Luz and as soon as she glanced at them, they all exploded. The blood of the Angels entered her eyes, touched her lips and some parts of her body. Some blood even landed on other Angels and they fainted.

Luz licked the blood on her lips that was from the Angels she killed and she smiled. "Delicious." She muttered under her breath and kept on walking to the higher being, the Alpha and Omega, the ruler, God.

His hands were folded and his legs crossed. "It took you some time." He said with a deep tone.

"What do you expect, I had to wait for the perfect time. Your angels are a real pain in the ass."

Luz shrugged.

"Punish-" Before God could finish, Luz cut Him short.

"Nuh-uh, that won't be happening this time. I believe that if you punish me the second time, I'd eventually get out of it. You have your future vision to tell."

God immediately kept quiet.

"I seek absolutely nothing but just some favors."

"Go on."

"First off, where is my younger brother?"

God had tapped his fingers on the hand of His chair and kept silent for some time. He finally broke the silence by answering her question.

"He's in a realm with your two other subordinates. He took over your job."

Luz's eyes widened. He was shocked, yet so.. annoyed. She felt something, deep in her heart that they had favoured him deeply, not like how they even did for her. The mere thought was infuriating and made her livid, but she decided to be calm about the situation because she knew what would happen next.

"He took my job... not surprising. I'm sure you and that red bald man is showering him with praises and happiness."

Luz scoffed.

"For that first favor.. i'd like you to force him to do something for me."

God has stopped tapping His fingers on the hand of his chair and leaned forward. What could this thing possibly be, including how much detest Luz had in her heart and wanted to commit revenge? In fact.. does she even have a heart?

"I want him.. to destroy every single living and non-living in the last realm I went to."

"Kill every single one, bring chaos upon their homes and loved ones, obliterate every source that causes them to live, everything."

Luz started laughing like a maniac and eventually coughed out some blood. Regardless, she still kept on laughing. When she wanted something, she would do her very best to get that thing- with the best results, even if it was to kill herself.

"You must be jok-"

"Oh, but I'm not."

"You can read souls, can't you?"

"Read mine and see what it says."

Negative emotions had overwhelmed her entire soul, every nook and corner. Revenge, hatred, sadness, agony, pain, the list goes on. It wasn't so great to read a soul that had all that, and it was much more scary that she was absolutely positive that all her plans will eventually come to pass.

She was willing to be patient and she didn't care. As long as what she wanted eventually happened.

She smiled at Him and tapped her feet.

"I'm waiting.. or do you prefer for me to do it myself?"

God kept silent. There was nothing for Him to say, but He knew what He would do.

Luz turned around and started walking away. As she walked, she noticed a familiar presence.. but she didn't dare look left, right or behind her, she continued to walk forward. As she left Heaven, the gates closed behind her.

It was a new dawn for this half-angel and half-devil. She had plotted a lot of evil things on her mind and she was giddy at the mere thought of knowing that her plans will conquer and she'll turn victorious.

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