MAID in India Part 2

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(I would request the readers, if you have not read the first book of this series, to please read it first for better comprehension of the continuity of the story. You will find the book by searching the name "MAID in India" in the browser.)

Chapter 2

The next day ...

In India, we generally have only Sunday as the weekly off day in most of the companies. I have always envied people who had both Saturdays and Sundays as weekend holidays. On normal working days, I have to be up by 7 am to get ready and be out for my office latest by 8.30am so as to reach before 9 am. On Sundays, I have the luxury of not waking up until 9 am, when the cleaning maid comes and knocks on my door. While the maid is doing her sweeping, cleaning and washing, I take one more round of nap. She finishes her work in half an hour at the most. I laze around in bed, reading the newspaper in detail, the only day I can afford to do that. I have a late breakfast and get back to my bed again. I spend my Sunday totally relaxing, just watching TV and reading.

This Sunday was no different. After the cleaning maid went off by 9.30am, I hit the bed again and dozed off. Just after 10am, there was again a knock on the door. I was wondering who could it be? Nobody comes to meet me on Sunday mornings. I opened the door still yawning. There stood Geeta, my tall, strong cook. I had totally forgotten that she had said yesterday, that she'll be coming on Sunday morning. She comes only in the evenings, so I didn't even remember this change of her routine.

"What Sir, you are still sleeping ?" she exclaimed!

" Today is Sunday, Geeta. This is the only day I get my sleep properly. Every other day is a mad rush," I said.

She said, "That means you had nothing for breakfast, in the morning yet. Let me prepare some breakfast for you, then I'll start preparing your lunch."

Geeta was very silent today. Looked a little serious too. It was quite unlike her last evening's vibrant and dominating behaviour. So while having my breakfast of buttered toast, omelette and tea, I asked her, " Is anything the matter, Geeta? You seem to be very silent. Are you disturbed for any reason ?"

She looked towards me still working at the kitchen table, "Yes Sir, actually I want to say sorry to you."

I said, "Why Geeta, what did you do ?"

She said, "No Sir, my actions last evening was not correct. It was not right on my part to use physical strength on you. I don't know what happened to me, I became so excited and captured you in my arms. I shouldn't have done that. Please forgive me, Sir. I didn't mean to humiliate you."

I said, "It's alright Geeta. I didn't mind. In fact, it is I who had initially challenged your strength. So it is only fair that you had gone ahead to prove yourself and put me through a strength test. You don't have to feel bad about it. In fact, I liked your attitude to stand up to defend your self respect, even though you knew that you are taking on your employer."

Geeta smiled for the first time this morning. She said, "Sir, I'm so glad that you are so open minded. I was thinking that I had crossed my limits yesterday and had been so excited at having you totally under my physical control, I had even treated you like a small boy by squeezing your cheeks. When I was thinking about this later, I was afraid that today you might turn me out of this job."

I said, "Don't worry Geeta, I understand that it was all done in the heat of the moment, and I hold no grudge against you. Instead, I really admire your strength. In fact I was thinking that with this good height and strength, you should have gone into sports. You would have done well in sports."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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