MAID in India - Part 1

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Chapter 1

I was transferred to this small city in Eastern India, some months back. I am around 40, working in a fairly good organization in a managerial position.

I am single, still not married. It's not that I am not eligible or not interested in marriage. I'm fairly well educated. I have quite a decent earning. I am not what you would call a handsome guy, but a normal average looking Indian male; average health; average complexion. One thing which is below average is my height. I'm just 5'3" (160 cm) short. And although there are no health issues, I'm on the leaner side, just 63 kgs of weight. So, basically I'm a small guy, even by Indian standards.

But my height wasn't any hindrance to my getting married. As is the normal custom still prevalent in India, my parents had searched some good matches for me of girls of heights up to 5'2". Nowadays matrimonial sites can bring you varied offers, out of which you can easily find your suitable match.

The problem is that I still couldn't find a girl of my liking. My parents tried their best to convince me to marry what they thought would be the perfect bride for me, but I rejected all of them. Now they have stopped trying and left me to my fate.

You would say, that why don't you yourself find the girl of your choice and propose to her. There are two problems to that. One is that I'm of the introverted kind, I cannot garner enough courage and befriend any girl. As it is, I hardly know any boys also, whom I can call real friends. I'm not at all social. I couldn't ever get personal with any of my school mates or college guys. In office too, I am just too official with everybody. So finding a girl for myself, it's really too much to expect from me.

But the actual problem why I had been rejecting the matchmaking offers is that of my own preferences of the girls I like. I couldn't even specify to my parents too, of the qualities I'm looking for in my would be partner. No no, nothing of that sort, what you may be thinking. I'm a normal straight guy. See, even now I couldn't tell you what type of girl I prefer. Anyways, let's carry on with my story. Maybe by the end of it, as I go more acquainted with you, I might be able to open up with you.

Coming back to my place of posting, I've taken a decent 1 BHK flat, as they call it here in India; one bedroom, hall and kitchen, that is. I don't need anything big, I'm alone, the more the rooms, the more cleanings I have to do.

The house owner who rented me his apartment, also have organised a domestic help for me, a middle-aged woman to come and do my household chores daily.

One thing good about India is that you get part time domestic helps or maids, who come and do your house cleaning, sweeping, mopping, doing the dishes, washing clothes. For cooking also you get separate maids. These domestic helps are not very expensive too, definitely affordable if you have a decent earning.

The maid for household chores used to come in the mornings, when I was at my office. She used to take the duplicate keys of my flat, kept with the apartment owner, and do her cleaning and washing work. Reliable person.

The problem was finding a maid for cooking. I was totally incompetent in this area. My cooking was limited to buttering a toast at the most. That's all. Actually, it wasn't necessary to learn all these years, when I was living with my parents. My mother used to do the special preparations and we had our cooking maid also. This is the first time I was living alone outside my hometown. I had to move out just for my career enhancement.

So without a cooking maid, I was totally in a mess. How long can one survive only on bread, butter, jam. During the lunch hour, when I was in office, I used to eat outside in a restaurant. For dinner, either I used to bring bought out food while returning from office, or else would go out and have it in some restaurant. So eating out every day and that too, the spicy preparations of Indian restaurants, it was taking a toll on my digestive system.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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