Chapter 4 A Friendly Chat

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When getting up the next morning Katherine went straight to the bathroom, to spare her friend the worry about her restless'weeping all night long' looks.

I've already made her agitated enough, when turning up at her treshold. Actually, my face doesn't look that bad. No, it does... At least I have to try.

Having washed her face to make it look as normal as possible, and putting her light brown hair into a messy bun Katherine went straight to the kitchen, wearing as calm expression as possible. Maggie was in the middle of cooking breakfast.

- Maggie, I'm so grateful for letting me stay overnight! Forgive me for appearing on your treshold out of the blue. - thanked Katherine her best friend Maggie Rivers.

- Oh , please, don't mention it! We discussed it early on, didn't we? Are we not friends after all? - comforted Maggie her friend. - By the way, you haven't told me yet, about what happened last night? When turning up at my door you seemed confused, frightened and messed up? Is there anything I should know? - enquired Katherine's friend.

Should I let her know, or keep it all secret? She might get into a big trouble after hearing what I got myself involved into... I should probably keep quite about my father's email and all this British legasy and Tudors stuff. Probably, my encountering Daniel would be enough to feed her curiosity, and keeping away from all sorts of problems that might arise.

- So, let's hear it? - Maggie taking a pose of one of those "Good Morning Britain" hosts ready to dive into their guest's story.

- Well, I met someone last night, under extraordinary circumstances. He...

- Heeeeeeee! - Maggie cut her off cheerfully. - Christ, you finally met someone!!! The world's turned upside down!!!

- Stop making fun of me, Maggie! You know it's something I'm really sensitive about. Love is not something to make quick decisions about. - smirked Katherine.

- Oh, come on! Don't be too hard on me. Honestly, I'm happy there's finally someone who managed to make an impression on you. - answered Maggie, hugging her friend tightly.

- I know you are. Forgive me my rudeness. There's been a lot of stress lately, if not for Daniel... Oh , God! - Katherine couldn't finish the phrase hiding her head in her hands.

- So, Daniel. That's quite the name I should say. Is he handsome? Witty? - enquired Maggie trying to calm Katherine down.

I have to be honest, she does know how to cheer people up.

- I'm sorry for being so annoyingly nervous, it's just - Katherine gasped. - I've never been assalted before...

- Jesus Christ! Assalted? Are you serious? - exclaimed Maggie leaping up from the chair getting a glass to pour some water. - Who would do such a thing? - she handed the glass to Katherine.

- If only I knew - sighed Katherine eagerly drinking water, emptying the glass at a draught, tears running down her cheeks.

- Ok, just stay calm, don't worry! Whatever happened, it's over now. Come. - Maggie embraced her friend directing her to the sofa nearby.

Having seated comfortably, Katherine proceded - There were two of them, American enforcers trying to make me follow them...

- Well, I'm not surprised at all. Having watched all sorts of American action films, I know exactly how they act. - snorted Maggie.

It's not an action film, though! It was shockingly real...

- Then, suddenly, Daniel appeared behind them. I wish you could see the way he beat them up. - a light smile crossing Katherine's face finally calming her down.

- Wow, is he some kind of 'James Bond' then? - asked Maggie gleefully.

- Perhaps? I'm not sure a regular junior Oxford professor is aware of such fighting techniques, well if it's not some kind of hobby.

- Well, you never know. - laughed Maggie, imagining one of their straight-faced English Literature professors having a martial art class. Katherine bursting out laughing watching her friend's face expression.

- I like the way you can brighten the day, Maggie. - laughed Katherine. - I guess that's why Peter started going out with you. By the way, when were you going to tell me? He's our mutual friend? We've known each other for ages, besides, I don't recall you falling for IT specialists. I thought you've always considered them dull and far from those macho guys you used to hang around?

- Things change, you know. He appeared to be completely the opposite of what I imagined. As they say, don't judge a book by it's cover. I'd never thought finding you in a company of a 'James Bond' type of guy, and yet here you are.Neither had I.

- No kidding, I'm really happy for you both! - said Katherine hugging her friend.

- I know you are! Anyway, let's get back to the point, what's next? Are you going to keep in touch with him?

- I don't know, really. He made sure I can give him a call in case of emergency.

- Well, I might sound banal, but there's always a 'case of emergency' to come up with as far as one's love interest is concerned.

- Ah, I wouldn't call him a 'love interest'. We barely know each other. I'm simply grateful for getting me out of trouble. One against two, that's suicide! - Katherine shuddered at the thought.

- May be, but I'm sure you won't deny his good looks?

- I won't. That would be a delusion. - Katherine smiled at the thought.

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