Chapter 5 A Ransacked Home

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Having spent a restless night caused by the evening incident and an unsettling email sent by her dad. Having chatted with her friend over breakfast, Katherine was now heading back to her flat aware of the fact that it might be dangerous after being attacked by two bastards, though still hoping things won't get worse.

"After all, there's still a chance these two bruisers still figuring out my place of residence. I have few things with me, so I cannot possibly get along without packing up. After all, I am about to move house."

Katherine carried on repeating these phrases in her head as some kind of mantra, trying to calm herself down and make sure she has made the right decision to get back home.

"This mysterious and disturbing email coming from my dad. Something's off here. My dad is a man of character and he would only send such kind of emails as a last resort, that's for sure. What did he mean by saying "If you're reading this letter, I'm currently in great danger?"

With such thoughts on her mind Katherine reached the door of her flat and halted in shock. The door was open with the lock being savagely ripped.

"What the..." - Katherine nearly cursed in shock. Entering the room she witnessed quite a spectacle. All her stuff being thrown around the room. Chair thrown, books lying open all around the floor.

"Who actually could have caused such a mess? What have I gotten myself into? These two American gorillas are behind all of this, no doubt!"

Fearful that there still might be someone inside, Katherine stepped out into the hall and went straight down to the main entrance with her entire body shaking.

When getting outside she made out a bench close to the park nearby. This bench appeared to be a real salvation, as Katherine felt her shaking legs giving way. Having finally settled down, Katherine took out the phone and entered her mailbox searching for the incoming message from her father she read overnight.

"If you you end up in trouble, don't hesitate to contact Prof. Daniel Lawrence. He's one of my best students. He'll take care of you. Feel free to trust him.»

I guess, for now, Prof. Lawrence is my only option...

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