#8 New Party

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After they managed their track back to the inn, Sara gave Alex an earful while hastily looking them up and down with their injuries, while Lio placed a hand forward. "It's my fault we are this injured, don't give Alex any blame... she saved me." Sara gave him a look, knowing she was a little skeptical, but she also knew the look in Alex's eyes... it was definitely the Lara's bond... but something didn't sit right with her.

"Well, don't scare me again. You had all of us worried." Sara muttered as Alex chuckled sheepishly. "Us?" Lio asked curiously as Sara turned around towards one of the tables, where Seal was sleeping against his hand. Seemingly waiting for them to get back. "He was so worried about you two, he refused to go sleep in one of the rooms." Sara shook her head as Alex walked forward towards the sleeping Seal, with a small amused look. Leaning down, she blew into his ear as he jolted awake. "I'm sorry! I'll get the papers!" As if he was back in the guild, he bolted up and hit Alex in the face with his head, she comically fell down as Sara snorted while Lio kneeled down next to Alex in concern.

"I asked for that..." The flame fox groaned as she rubbed her nose, while Seal looked at the two of them. "You're back... and you're okay... thank goodness." Seal could only breathe out a sigh of relief, his eyes were layered with baggy eyes, as if he really didn't sleep a wink of it... Sitting up, Alex sat on the chair next to him. She knew that she had worried them, running off like a chicken with their head cut off. "I'm sorry we worried you, Seal." Silently he nodded as he rubbed his eyes before his eyes wandered to the glass pane of the window. Seeing light out he bolted up. "S-Sorry! I-I h-have to g-go!" Seal stuttered as he brushed past Lio who winced but let him go in the frantic that he was, running to the guild.

"S-Seal??" Sara shouted out, but he kept running in the direction of the guild, as Alex frowned in worry. "What was that about?" Lio frowned as he shook his head. "He's been like that. Ever since he stopped adventuring as much, he works full time at the guild hall." Alex slowly nodded her head, wondering if he was late... they had gotten out of the cave around dawn, so perhaps he has a strict schedule that they had messed up for worrying him so much... She paused her thoughts as she looked over towards Lio who had been staring at her.

A small flutter made its way up her chest as she looked away, looking bashfully away, Sara had a small knowing smile make its way up her face. "Lio why don't you go take a bath, you look like you've been through hell." Sara couldn't help but quip at the blond elf who had looked down at his torn clothes and dried blood and nodded his head. "That might be for the best." Walking past Alex he patted her head who flushed, feeling her ears droop down as her tail wagged a little bit, her face was that of annoyance, but her tail and ears gave her away. He walked to the back to get cleaned up while Sara turned towards Alex.

"Come on Alex." She grabbed her hand and guided her towards the kitchen where she had been making breakfast. "You look like you are hungry." A small groan of her stomach revealed that she was indeed hungry, a small blush formed on her face as she placed a plate in front of her. "So. Wanna tell me what happened?" Alex looked up at her as she stared at the eggs that reflected her eyes back... "It..." She remembered the anger and hatred that came from the holy knights that came from the 'rescue' party... "It was my fault..." It was always connected with her...

She had realized that every time something went amidst, it was because she was a beast person... though I suppose it was because of the ignorance of people, and the fear of beast people that causes her distress... "Lio almost got killed... because he was protecting me. cause I'm a... beast." Remembering his words she sighed as she picked at her food with the fork she held. Her appetite fading in the back of her mind. Sara looked up and hummed.

"Do you know why Lio protects beast people Alex?" Sara suddenly asked as The red haired fox girl looked up at her curiously and shook her head. "Cause we're adorable?" She offered as Sara giggled. "Maybe, but it's because he learned to judge a persons character by their actions... and not what reflects them as a whole..." She pointed towards the three major capitals on the map. "The Humans, the Elves, and the Dwarfs... They all have something against another... but does that mean Lio has all the weight of the Elves on him?" Alex shook her head as Sara nodded her head. "Precisely. It's the same with Beast people. No matter what beast people did thousands of years ago, or if they did anything at all... it doesn't matter."

Unrealistic world (ROUGH DRAFT)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora