Making An Appointment

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"Alright, guys. Let's call it a day for now."

At their leader's words, every member of the Investigation Team let out a sigh of relief.

The group of teenage detectives were currently standing outside the entrance to the Secret Labratory. After they rescued Naoto late September and she recovered early October, Yu Narukami, their leader, led the team back into her dungeon in order for training purposes, and also for Naoto to get used to using her Persona as well.

As part of their ventures into completed dungeons, a new boss appeared at the last floor, which Yu was able defeat with Yosuke, Chie and Naoto in his party.

With their session complete, everyone on the team was pretty worn out, and Yu decided that him and his teammates had done enough training.

"Oh thank God!" Yosuke Hanamura exclaimed in relief, "Fighting that annoying ass Vessel really tuckered me the hell out."

"At least you have an element it was weak to!" Chie Satonaka stated as she stretched her shoulders, "Try having to stick to just physical attacks and a puny Bufula!"

"Phew! I just wanna lay dowm and be engulfed by the soft feeling of my mattress..." Rise Kujikawa wearily uttered.

"I hear ya there." Kanji Tatsumi agreed with crossed arms.

"At least it wasn't as tiring as when we fought Naoto-chan's shadow." Yukiko Amagi commented with a smile.

"... Could we please just hurry back to the real world?" Naoto Shirogane silently pleaded a bit uncomfortably.

Yu nodded knowingly, "Teddie, let Rise take a break and lead the way."

"Roger that, Sensei!" The bear enthusiastically saluted as he moved forward.

"Aww, you're so thoughtful, Senpai~!" Rise smiled as she hugged Yu's arm.

The team eventually reached their usual exit, and after coming back to the real world through the TV in Junes, Yosuke offered to buy everyone some food, much to everyone's thanks, especially Chie.

After finishing their meals, everyone was ready to go their separate ways.

"Sooo, Yu." Yosuke called out to his partner, "You free to hang around for a little while?"

"Sorry, bro." Yu apologized, "But I have to walk Rise home tonight."

"I know I'll feel extra safe with my trusty Senpai by my side!" Rise gushed with a blush as she latched onto Yu's arm once again, "Aren't I a lucky girl~?"

"More like a clingy-ass one..." Kanji deadpanned.

Yosuke let out a sigh of slight disappointment.

He should've expected it to be honest. Ever since Yu and Rise became a thing, it made hangouts with his partner a bit of a rare occurrence. Not that he wasn't happy for him, but it kinda sucked having nobody to hang out with.

It also didn't help that he was pretty dang jealous of their relationship. Not just because Yu was dating a girl that Yosuke had always drooled over before they rescued her, but also due to the fact that the latter had always hoped he'd be able to find a cute girl that liked him one day.

"I get it, man..." He replied, "Maybe tomorrow then?"

"If I'm free, then definitely." Yu assured him with a smile, "I'll see you all tomorrow."

"Bye, you guys!" Rise bid farewell, still clinging to her boyfriend as he escorted her home.

"Well, I'm outta here. Later, dudes." Kanji waved as he departed.

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