Blocked X

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~Meanwhile, at the real world~

Lailah's POV.

It's been a few days since my brother got taken, I can't help but wonder why he was taken instead of me?

*Ring, Ring, Ring*

Someone's at the door. I open the door and I see a girl dressed in uniform like she's in a military.

Lailah: Hello?

Daya: Hey Lailah, I'm Daya, one of your brother's friends. Mind if I come in?

I invited her inside and she told me everything that happened after my brother was reported missing. Apparently her girlfriend Amy got herself kidnapped by the giant hands in hope of bringing back my brother.

Lailah: Wow, to think your girlfriend would volunteer to get sent to the shadow realm to get Rexxvia back, that's real stupid of her, if I'm gonna be honest.

Daya: Oh, you don't know the half of it. She has a habit of putting herself in a lot of situations. Ever tell you about the time she nearly killed her classmate?

Lailah: That was her!? That incident was on the news.

Daya and I shared stories and we became quick friends. She was feeling a little better, having another girl to talk to.

Daya: I hope Rexx and Amy are okay. Wherever they are...

Lailah: I hope so too. I also hope he doesn't kill me for putting him in whatever mess those two are in.

Daya: Hey, don't worry, they'll make it out. They have to. And hey, I'll protect you if he does plan on attacking you. And if Amy comes back, I'm gonna give that girl a piece of my mind.

Suddenly I get a notification.

Lailah: "Rejoice, for the most hated streamer/Youtuber, LowTierGod literally gets sent to the shadow realm." That can't be good.

I click on the video that was cliped from his most recent stream and shows him lashing out on his fans. No surprise. Then it shows multiple hands grabbing him everywhere and drags him into the large portal in the wall before disappearing.

Daya: Okay, I don't know whether to be happy or terrified. I guess Cory took that "troll channel" thing personal.

Lailah: I always hated that idiot, but he didn't deserve that. I wonder if this really is Cory's doing, why would he create something that would kidnap people over a something so petty?

Daya: Maybe their's a dark side of him that we don't know about. I mean, we don't his true colors when he's not in front of a camera.

That maybe true. I've seen YouTubers ruin their own lives and getting exposed too many times, and I can hear voices of the once beloved youtubers turn into monsters and ones that should no longer be considered human beings.

???: *voice* "Hahaha! Then I go back in the chair and I turn into Pablo."

??? 2: *voice* "You turn into Pablo!?"

??? 3: *voice* "This game it's for you if you're looking for a big open sandbox, who has no friends, no family, no life, and literally has thousands of hours to grind away. At the end of the day go kill yourself man."

??? 4: *voice* "I was going to meet someone to get a cupcake."

??? 5: *voice* "You're life means NOTHING! You serve ZERO purpose! You should kill yourself NOW!"

I look out the window, worried if I'll ever see my brother again and if Daya will see her girlfriend again.

Lailah: Rexx, please be okay.

~Back to Cory's twisted realm~

Rexx: We need to find our way back to the mansion.

Amy: But how are we going do that? The two yanderes are probably still outside looking for us.

Rexx: And let's not forget the zombie looking people that attacked us earlier. I'm not feeling very confident with my knife fighting skills against them.

Phym: Umm... I think I can get you to the mansion.

Rexx: You can??

Phym: I think so... I remember doing something that can take us where we need to be but... I can't seem to remember how.

Rexx: (Well that's disappointing...) Well I'm sure you'll remember how. For now, we'll just have to find another way back.

The trio goes outside and they were in a completely different area. They are now in a rotten down house.

Amy: What the f-? Does every door we go in takes us to a different place!?

Rexx: Looks like it. we'll never make it back to the mansion at this rate. What is this place anyway?

Phym: I think I remember this place. There's something that might help us. but I just can't recall the details.

Rexx: I'm sure you'll remember. In the meantime, let's explore this place and see if we can find any more clues.

The trio cautiously navigates through the decaying rooms of the house. The air is heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the creaking of floorboards beneath their feet. Shadows dance along the walls, adding to the atmosphere of unease.

As they move from room to room, they stumble upon remnants of a forgotten past—a torn photograph, a child's toy, a diary with faded pages. Each discovery paints a picture of lives once lived within these decaying walls, now consumed by the darkness.

Rexxvia's curiosity gets the better of him, and he picks up the diary, carefully flipping through the fragile pages. The words are barely legible, but he manages to decipher fragments of a chilling story—a story that seems to mirror their own struggle against the horrors that surround them.

Rexx: "This place... it's like a twisted reflection of our own journey." Rexxvia muses, his voice filled with a mix of fascination and concern. "But what is its purpose? Why would Cory created this dimension?"




Rexxvia noticed a lack of response and turn around, only to find out he was alone. His heart was racing as he see carvings of Amy, Kim, Yumi, and Himself.

Rexx: Amy? Phym!?

Rexx looked everywhere quickly and quietly as he fears someone or something is here with him.

As he searches the house, he comes to a dead end and spots a lifeless body.

A Caucasian male, black dress pants, a white shirt and for some reason, his head was completely obscured with mosaic, like one of the reality shows.

Rexx: Oh god... this corpse is fresh...

???: Welcome to the family son.

Rexxvia quickly turn around, only to take a hard punch to the face. Everything blacks out as he falls to the ground.

laughter echos through out the rotten domain, leaving the fate of Rexxvia and the girl's fate unknown...

~To be continued~

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