Osamu Dazai x female reader

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Since you started working for the Armed Detective Agency, you have captivated everyone's eyes, I mean you are truly the object of people's affection, and you knew it. Despite what people thought of you. You were very kind and compassionate, unfortunately, people take advantage of your kindness which was quite bothersome, but it was so predictable. You were given the title Madame Red as you adored red from the top of your head to the bottom of your shoes. Put simply, your ability was to lure people in with the sound of your voice. It didn't come as a surprise when you were told that you would be paired with Dazai on a mission together to go to a club together and investigate a case. You were very exhausted on Tuesday morning, noting that you didn't get much sleep for the past 2 days. Before you and him went to the club, you and Dazai met at the Agency to discuss the plan of action. Dazai was seated across from you in his seat, and you were seated on his desk. While squinting through the windows from the sun's brightness and feeling its warm embrace cling to you, you were tempted to close your eyes. However, Dazai called for you before you could, he asks "You okay bella donna?" I give him a tender smile as I tell him, "Don't worry dear, I'm fine just a little tired, is all." He asks, "Well, should we go over the plan darling?" as he casts a worried glance my way but decides not to pursue the matter further. I lean in closer and whisper, "You read my mind." After discussing the plan, Dazai offered to accompany me as we walk side by side, I find myself admiring how handsome he was. He says, "Take a picture it will last longer," as he observes that I am staring at him amusedly. I reply, "I'm so sorry for staring," feeling a blush slowly spread across my cheeks as I gaze at him in embarrassment "You're so cute, you know that?" He chuckles and walks away, leaving me a little behind. As I begin to feel weak from lack of sleep, I eventually collapse on the ground. Dazai hears me fall still not turning around as he says, "Damn I know I'm hot, but you don't need to fall for me this quickly." With the lack of no response, he turns around now worried saying "Oh shit, you alright?" After noticing that I had fallen unconscious he picks me up bridal style as he whispers, "You are going to be okay my love." Some time had passed before you had woke up noticing the unfamiliar room you were in, taking in the fact that it was now night, you hear the door opening dragging your thoughts away as you see Dazai excitedly looking at me before I had a chance to respond, he embraced me and said, "Oh bella donna, I'm so happy that you are okay, I was worried that I couldn't have anyone to do a double suicide with." I give him a hug in return, and when I turn to look at him with a scowl on my face, he just smiles and says, "I'm just messing with you, darling." As soon as I realized we were meant to be on a mission, "Wait, what about the mission?" I questioned him. Don't worry that pretty little head of yours, I took care of it he replies. I say, "Oh Osamu, I can't thank you enough, how can I repay you?" while grinning warmly. Well, there is something you can do, he chuckles at me. I respond to him "Anything, what can I do?" Then, as he presses his lips against mine and says, "This," he moves even closer to my face. Our hands are now entwined, and he adds, "I love you so much, Y/N. I say, "I love you too, Osamu," in a loving manner.

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