draco Malfoy

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with a Black reader involving Draco:

It was the start of a new school year at Hogwarts, and you were excited to see your friends and start learning new things. As you entered the Great Hall for the welcoming feast, you noticed a few new faces – one of which belonged to Draco Malfoy.

Draco was a Slytherin, known for his disdain towards Gryffindors like yourself, but there was something about him that caught your attention. Maybe it was the way he carried himself, or his piercing gray eyes that seemed to stare straight through you.

Over the next few weeks, you found yourself crossing paths with Draco more often than expected. It started with small conversations during Potions class, where you both excelled. Then, you found yourselves walking to classes together, discussing everything from Quidditch to your favorite magical creatures.

Despite his reputation as a bully, you found that Draco was actually quite charming and funny. You enjoyed spending time with him, and soon you found that your friends started to take notice.

One day, while walking with your friends towards Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures class, you overheard a group of Slytherins making racist

jokes about your heritage. Your heart sank, and you felt embarrassed and hurt, unsure of what to do.

Draco noticed the change in your demeanor and pulled you aside, asking what was wrong. You hesitated at first, but then confided in him about what you had overheard. To your surprise, he became angry and protective, vowing to talk to his fellow Slytherins and put an end to their ignorance and bigotry.

From that moment on, you and Draco became even closer. He would always defend you from any racist remarks or actions, showing a side of him that you never thought you would see. You both spent more time together, often sneaking off to private places around Hogwarts to talk and laugh.

As the year went on, the tension between Gryffindor and Slytherin intensified. You found yourself caught in the middle, torn between your loyalty to your friends and your feelings for Draco. Despite the challenges, you and Draco continued to grow closer, and you both confessed your feelings for each other during a late night walk by the lake.

Although your relationship was met with some backlash from your friends and Draco's Slytherin peers, you both stayed strong and supported each other through it all. In the end, love prevailed, and you and Draco emerged stronger and happier than ever before.

As you walked hand in hand towards the Hogwarts Express on the last day of school, you knew that your relationship would face challenges in the future. But you were ready to face them together, with love and trust guiding you every step of the way

Over the summer, you and Draco wrote letters to each other almost every day, discussing your plans for the next school year and your hopes for your relationship. You also talked about the challenges you both may face due to your different backgrounds and the opinions of those around you.

When you returned to Hogwarts for your next year, you found that your relationship had deepened even further. You were now more comfortable showing affection in public, even with the disapproving looks from some of your fellow Gryffindors.

Draco's friends had mostly come around to accepting your relationship, although there were still a few who continued to make rude comments and jokes behind your back. But with Draco by your side, you felt more confident in yourself and your place at Hogwarts.

You and Draco continued to excel in Potions class, becoming partners and dominating all of your assignments. You spent more time exploring the grounds of Hogwarts together, discovering hidden passages and sharing secrets.

But when the time came to choose sides in the brewing conflict between Voldemort and Dumbledore, your relationship once again faced a test. As a Slytherin, Draco was expected to support Voldemort, while you and your Gryffindor friends sided with Dumbledore.

Draco struggled with his loyalty to his family and his love for you, but ultimately, he chose to stand by your side against Voldemort. Your relationship was stronger than ever before, and you knew that with each other's support, you could face anything that came your way.

In the end, love had conquered all. You and Draco survived the war, supporting each other and rebuilding Hogwarts alongside your friends. And as you looked out over the castle, hand in hand with the love of your life, you knew that your future was bright and full of endless possibilities

Years passed, and you and Draco graduated from Hogwarts, both in the top of your class and ready to face the world together. You moved in together, braving the challenges of living in a world that was still hostile to interracial couples.

But you had each other, and that was all that mattered.

Draco pursued a career in Potions, working at a prestigious wizarding laboratory and making groundbreaking advances in the field. You, on the other hand, became an accomplished Auror, fighting against dark magic and protecting the wizarding world from danger

Together, you were an unstoppable force, both in love and in life

As the years went by, you faced challenges and trials, but you always came out stronger on the other side. You never forgot your roots, your heritage, and the love that had brought you together

When you looked back on your life, you saw a lifetime of love and adventure, of challenges and triumphs. You saw a future full of endless possibilities, of laughter and joy, of growth and learning

But most of all, you saw each other, hand in hand, ready to face whatever came their way, with love and trust guiding them every step of the way

Years turned into decades, and you and Draco grew old together, with each other being the constants in your lives.

You had lived a full life, filled with experiences and adventures that most could only dream of. You had fought side by side in wars, cured diseases, and made history in your respective careers.

Now, as you both sat on the porch of your cottage, watching the sunrise, you looked back on your life with contentment, knowing that you did everything you could to make the world a better place.

You turned to Draco, gazing into those same piercing gray eyes that had first caught your attention so many years ago, and took his hand.

"Thank you for being my partner in life, Draco. I couldn't have asked for a better person to share this incredible journey with," you said softly.

Draco smiled, taking your hand in his. "Thank you for sticking by my side through everything and for loving me unconditionally. You're my soulmate, and I'm grateful for every moment we've shared together," he replied.

And as you sat there, watching the sun rise, you both knew that your story was far from over. But with love, trust, and each other by your side, you were ready for whatever came next.

draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now