Chapter 7 Balliol College

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Though it was the begining of October, mornings and afternoons seemed warmer than evenings. Katherine was desperate for a shower as she didn't manage to change due to fleeing her flat way too fast not to get into Axel and Dirk's grasp. 

Wearing the same dress for about two days is less comfortable than I've expected. Not a big deal. I can manage it. After all, it's not  an issue on the agenda. I have to sort everything out first. 

Despite all the warmth one could still get a chill, so Katherine was happy she did consider wearing her autumn beige coat decorated with broad black buttons and a belt that was now tied around her waist. Katherine liked to wear comfortable, rather than delicate when it came to footwear. This time she was wearing black laced leather boots with rubber sole that kept her stable no matter the weather.

Thank God I was smart enough to grab my autumn trench. I have to somehow give Prof. Lawrence his jacket back.

Balliol College was about twenty minutes away from where Katherine resided, so it didn't take her long to get there. When getting through a massive set of doors reminding the passers by of a medieval "Game of Thrones"-like castle gate, Katherine found herself inside an archway taking her straight to the college campus.

Every time I enter such a space, I feel just like Lyra Belaqua scouting the corridors of Jordan College and exploring all the hidden corners of Oxford. Hope HBO won't screw the last season of "His Dark Materials" they scheduled for Christmas, up.

Contemplating books, TV shows and films was a usual thing for Katherine when feeling uneasy. Although, Jordan College is fictional, it has so much in common with it's Oxford counterparts.

Walking through the archway, Katherine spotted some floral carvings on it's upper part.It was an ordinary "learn and study" day at Balliol College with the students in their early or mid-twenties, scattered all around the place. Some of them sitting on the lawn being in the middle of a lively discussion, others debating some hot issues or just having a good laugh in each others company.

Wish I could time travel to experience my Bachelor studies days once more. Such moments are eternal!

Walking the gravel path, Katherine remembered to check her watch so that she doesn't get late for the meeting. She was a type of person who chose classic watch with a dial and an hour hand over a smart one. "These new gdgets you guys wear day and night kill all the charm". - retorted Katherine whenever she had a light dispute over new technologies with her friends, trying to convince Katherine to change her attitude towards smart watch. To be honest, they already got used to her ways of life. No matter what people thought, Katherine liked it that way.

2.40. Great I still have some time to spare.

She couldn't help but enjoying the majestic gothic buldings with spiral towers, sophisticated carvings decorating the roofs and walls of Balliol College.

Unbelievable! Every inch of these set of buildings has a story to tell. Whatever they may say, there's no place like Oxford. I do miss home at times, but this town owns a special place in my heart! I've never felt more content and relaxed anywhere else.

Carrying on admiring the fairy-tale like views Katherine reached the main entrance where she was supposed to meet up with Prof.Lawrence. Suddenly the main doors swung open and the lawn got flooded with even more students leaving the college grounds, pacing up to make it to their next class scheduled in a completely different building.

When chosing Oxford out of countless others British universities, make sure you're in good shape to move around between classes.

This thought made Katherine smile, first time in the course of this disturbing and unsettling day.

Having noticed the way Katherine was admiring the view, Daniel, who was now standing behind her, couldn't help but make a remark:

- You know...

Having got carried away and not expecting someone talking behind her, Katherine nearly jumped out of her skin.

- Forgive me, Ms. Winters. I did not intend to scare you. It's just, the way you observe things is so heartwarming.

- No need to apologise, Mr.Lawrence. I have a sensetive ear, that's all.  Oh, and for the record, it's not Winters. It's Mayfair.

-How so?

 - My father and I haven't been on good terms for quite some time. Would you mind if I spare the details?

- No worries. Have it your way.

Sorry, you were saying?

 - I happen to have crazy and extremely busy days as a professor, when you need to meet all the deadlines, give multiple lectures and run a great deal of classes, nevertheless, I still find myself enjoying all the serenity and beauty that Oxford has to offer. I would exchange it for nothing!

- That's funny, I had the exact same thoughts a few minutes ago.

Clearly, our mindsets are alike. It's not every day that I come across such a man.

- Really? Well, that makes two of us then. - a broad smile touching Daniel's lips. - I'm glad you've made it here! It's such a pleasure to see you again.

- The pleasure is all mine, Prof. Lawrence.

- Please, call me Daniel. It would be fitting, concerning what we've been through recently.

- Sure. In that case, would you please call me Katherine?

- Agreed.

- I'm pleased to see you smiling, Katherine

Him watching me and smiling that way makes me blush. Suppose I should smile back. No one has ever had that effect on me. How is he doing this???

- Seems you're getting back to normal after what's happened a while ago.

- It's no easy fit, but I'm managing.

- And yet, you sounded concerned on the phone. Please, do tell me what's troubling you.

- Actually, it's a long story.

- No worries. I have plenty of time. This was my last class for today, so I'm in no hurry. We can discuss whatever's disturbing you on the way to The History Faculty. I have to collect some of my students' home assignments from my office to check over the weekend.

- Only if I'm not distracting you from some urgent matters to settle. - inquired Katherine.

- Not at all. Please, leave the worrying part to me.

He offered Katherine a hand.

His ancestors certainly belonged to chivalry. Am I daydreaming?

Taking Daniel by the arm, finally feeling secure and out of trouble, Katherine went on telling her story.

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