INTRO: Welcome!

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Hey there, names Looney!

Before we start there is just one small eeny teeny little detail I wanted to share with you.

This book is NOT an original story based on Road 96, although I may get around to that eventually.

So what is this book about then? You may ask.

Well, while I was playing through the game (which is incredible BTW you should play it if you haven't) I always found myself wishing that the characters i was playing as were actual, yknow...characters!

So this book is going to do just that!

Now to actually answer the question.

This book will be a novelization of my playthrough of the game, yup, including all 6 characters! Uh, hopefully...

Giving them names and letting them interact more with the strange people they meet along their journey.

Now your probably wondering why the title say REVITILIZED. Well that's cuz I was working kn this book at a time, but due to a lack of views and motivation it was cancelled.

But recently I've reignited the will to write again, so it's here to stay! Again, hopefully.

Now while chapter one is completed I have a different vision for this book now so it's gonna need a few alterations before it's ready.

So if you'll bear with me, and favourite this book or add it to your library it would be very appreciated.

That's pretty much all I have to say, life has been pretty busy recently along with me going to college so I can't promise it will be ready soon, again I'm sorry.

But I won't keep you any longer, so if this book interests you, stick around! I promise you won't regret it.

OK now I'm rambling, anyway ill try to work on this book and get a chapter out quickly, so I hope to see you then!

Also if you have any ideas or suggestions, don't be afraid to comment then!

Buh bye for now!

Road 96: The Border Crossersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن