Chapter 8 Saint George And The Dragon

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While walking and telling her story, Katherine spotted a diference in Daniel's style. This time he was wearing not a three piece suit, but a white shirt, a dark sweater over it, pants and jacket of the same shade.

I have to admit, Daniel has quite a taste in clothing.

- So, upon coming home you noticed that it's contents were thrown all over the place and the flat was in a complete mess. These two bastards might have ransacked your home before looking after you all around Oxford, in search of your father's discovery.

- I think so too. But why did they assume that I might own whatever my father has found lately? I hate to admit it, but we haven't seen each other for ages

- How so? - a sound of surprise in Daniel's voice. - Pardon my curiosity, Katherine.

- No worries.

- Judging by everything that has happened to you recently, even a tiny detail might shed some light on what's going on here.

- We've had a terrible fight about me chosing literature as my major, instead of history. Moreover, I didn't want the university officials and professors know that I belong to the all-mighty Kenneth Winters family. Everyone could have started making false assumptions and spread rumours on my account. That's why I chose my mother's family name when entering Oxford. I just wanted to achieve everything myself.

- I do know how you feel, Katherine. Frankly, my father and I had the same argument once. Nevertheless, I kept the family name, but went up the career ladder myself. Recognition and self-fulfillment is everything when it comes to a career.

- I wouldn't agree more. - replied Katherine giving Daniel an approving smile.

I've never felt as calm and serene with any other guy I encountered. There's something about Daniel that makes me trust him. I think I'm even drawn to him. Not that I'm in love. No. It's too early for that but we obviously share a spark or something.

- So, from what I've just learnt from you, they couldn't possibly know that you might have a clue on where to start the search for the Tudor treasure.

- Absolutely not. I have no inkling of what that treasure might even be. Of course, as a child, I heard stories of the casket full of Spanish gems, that Robert Leiscter delivered to Queen Elizabeth I upon negotiations with the Spanish to make peace. Seems like these stones meant a lot to Elizabeth due to her love for Earl Leiscter. No one has ever heard of them since.

- This is a widespread legend among Tudor experts.

-  Do you think my dad somehow came upon these gems?

- It might be true. In that case your father's life along with yours, are at a threat, cause, from my experience, smugglers who make money out of selling historical pieces and ancient jewlllery through black market stop at nothing, take it from me.

- How do you know so much about them?

- We all have our resources, you know.

What does he mean by saying that? Something's off here.

Having entered the History Faculty they went straight to Daniel's office. When getting inside, Katherine was struck by the way everything here is arranged. Tall bookcases full of vivid folios, mostly about literature, art and history.

- May I? - asked Katherine, spotting a shelf dedicated to Shakespeare.

- Sure. Feel free to look into any book you're interested in . - answered Daniel collecting his student's home assignments from one of his desk drawers.

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