Autor note

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I want you, the lectors, to be aware of these few things:

- I took my own creative freedom.

- I'm not a historian. I do love history and I will try to make this story as faithfully as I can, but I can make mistakes. Also, the story may not be in order, but there will always be the year when the chapter is situated.

- English is not my first language, so I will probably make some mistakes. I will try no to do so, but if it happens, I just want to say that I will be trying my best.

- This woman, these characters, were real. I do this because I'm a great Anne Boleyn fan, but it's not only some random characters I created to make you have fun. No, they were real, and it is important to remember that.

Having this said, please, enjoy the story!

- Sipersa.

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