CHAPTER TWO, the game

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Everyone is screaming, running away to get away from the Beast. Leora was now helping Stiles with bringing a hurt Liam inside the school. People are running all around in the school, screaming in fear, trying to get away. Leora's heart was racing, scared for her and her friends and their safety.

Leora and Stiles manage to get Liam in an empty classroom. Leora held onto Liam as Stiles quickly threw everything off the desk and helped Leora with getting Liam on the desk. Liam was grunting in pain and breathing heavily.

Leora and Stiles tear his jersey off the rest of the way, his shirt underneath ripped. Their eyes widened at how bad the cuts were. Stiles backed away even, trying not to throw up at the sight of all the blood.

"You've got to be kidding me." Leora rolls her eyes. "You still get sick at the sight of blood?"

"It's a lot of blood!" Stiles protested.

"Is it bad?" Liam breathed out, his head leaned back on the desk.

"Not gonna lie, it's pretty bad." Leora admitted. She then raised her hands over the wound, closing her eyes as she tried to focus to use her light manipulation. Along with her light manipulation, she had healing abilities. But it was a hard thing for her to use her healing powers. It took a lot of concentration and focus. It didn't come as easily to her like her light manipulation.

"I still feel like I could pass out." Stiles confessed, causing Leora to open her eyes and give him a glare.

"Shut it. I'm trying to heal him and I need focus."

"I thought you don't care about me." Liam said in confusion as he continued to grimace in pain.

"Just 'cause I don't care about you, doesn't mean I don't want you to die." Leora snapped.

Liam looks at her with a bit of surprise, but then he closes his eyes, wincing in pain. I'm fine." Liam tries to reassure her. "Leo, I'm fine." He wasn't fine, but he didn't want her to use her healing powers on him.

Leora tries not to show how surprised she was when he called her 'leo' and does her best to keep focusing on healing him, but she could tell it was a bit more difficult than normal. With the chaos happening out in the halls and her being taken aback by Liam suddenly calling her Leo, it was harder to focus on using her healing abilities.

"Li, you're not fine." Leora argues, her eyes still closed. "You're bleeding and you're in a lot of pain."

"Okay, so maybe I'm not fine..." Liam pauses, eyes widening as he notices she was still trying to heal him. "Leora, I told you to stop."

"Just shut up and be grateful that I'm using my healing powers on you." Leora snaps. Leora trying to ignore the boy's voices as she focused harder on her healing powers. "And Stiles, try not to faint."

"No promises." Stiles mumbled as he kept his eyes shut and looked away.

Soon enough Leora's hands glow a faint white color. The wound slowly started healing, but the more the wound started healing, the more tired Leora started to feel. Healing was tiring and she could only heal someone so much. As the wound on Liam began to close, Leora's concentration waned, her energy draining rapidly. She gritted her teeth, pushing through the fatigue as she focused all her remaining strength into the healing process.

Liam and Stiles both watch in amazement as the cuts and gash close up completely, leaving his torso bare and the skin smooth and flawless. But then Liam noticed how exhausted and weak Leora looked while trying to heal him and felt guilt build up. "Stop, you're going to hurt yourself." Liam interrupts, grabbing Leora's wrist which startled her and made her lose her focus. She stumbles back a bit, her head spinning. "Leora."

ENEMIES FIRST, LOVERS LATER! liam dunbarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon