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Something soft and wet touches your leg and you snap your eyes open,just to see your two cats bumping their noses on your leg. You give both of them a pet on their head and bury your face in each of their fluffy bodies.

Ready to go downstairs and get some breakfast,you suddenly trip over one of your cats,rolling down the stairs in a beat that would make your music teacher proud. You let out a scream and reach the end of the staircase. Lying down there,crumbled up like a piece of paper you try to get up and look to your cat.

But a friendly voice distracted you,offering a hand to help you get up. You only saw a pair of white shoes and white pants and asked yourself who the hell this was. Who the hell entered your house? You didn't recognise the voice,but it was a soothing baritone,tickling your ears. The pain vanishes at hearing this beautiful sound.

„Everything all right with you?",the voice continued with talking. You didn't take the hand of the person and tried to get up on your own. „You must be (Y/N). Your parents hired me as your family's housecleaner. I just arrived this morning.",the baritone voice explained. It probably belonged to a man and you finally sat up to look at the face of the person.

Beautiful. The first word that flickered into your mind. In front of you was a man. A bald man. He was taller than you and wore a golden earring on his left ear. But his face was covered in the brightest light you've ever seen. The sun was shimmering on his face,forming it like a diamond.

Your eyes wander down his body. He was fully dressed in white,but god. His impressive muscles were toned due to a tight white t-shirt,that held on for its dear life. The man had big arm muscles,leaving you wondering how it would feel like getting hugged by him. The gaze of yours wanders further down to his pants,but you still have that much respect in you that you stop your exploration.

You are in awe,unable to speak and feel faint again. Holding yourself on the edge of the wall to not fall down,you dare another glance at that man. God. You gripped the wall even tighter,because that man was fine. With shaking legs you begin to walk over to the kitchen,his eyes following you respectfully.

„I just cleaned the counter and the windows.",the man noted and gave you a smile. Luckily you were not facing him,because if you'd look at that smile,you'd probably have a cardiac arrest so you went to finally make your breakfast. „Are you alright?" He noticed that your hands were shaking while you were cracking some eggs into a pan. If he continues talking I'm going insane. You can't help but imagine yourself doing a little dance in your head,punching your fists in the air and covering your red face in your knuckles.

You were feeling hot,not from the heat that exceeded from the pan,but rather the sight of that man. He made you nervous. But in a good way. In an attempt to not make the situation awkward you turn around to face him and ask: „So...what's your name?" The man gets closer to you and his face was more visibly this time. Angelic. His blue eyes were accompanied with a beautiful and dimply smile,that you just wanted to let out a sound of satisfaction.

„Veritably Clean. But everybody calls me Mr. Clean. It has a nice jingle to it,don't you think?",even his laugh had a nice jingle,that made you shiver in amazement. „That is indeed a very interesting name.",was the only thing you could say. Something sizzling hot touched your back and you screamed again. „What's wrong!",Mr. Clean bursted out in a worried voice,the white in his eyes expanding. He looked behind you and rushed to the stove. „You've put the heat way too high,darling." Mr Clean quickly turned the stove of with a smooth movement.

_Did he just call me darling?_ This bald and handsome man just called you darling. This day was getting better and better. „I'm sorry- I must've been distracted.",you said ,feeling guilty and looking down. The stove was a mess now,there were oil stains everywhere and the window was foggy. „There's nothing you should feel sorry about.",his calming voice said. „I can clean up,that's what my job is." he laughed again. At this point you could not imagine him ever not laughing or smiling.

Mr. Clean walked out of the kitchen to grab some of his utensils to clean up and you just stand there in the kitchen and need to take a deep breath. Perhaps cuddling one of your many cats would help you calm down. With that thought you walked out of the kitchen and carefully going up the stairs to your room again. You only reached half way and the familiar baritone behind you said: „Careful there. You don't want to fall again." Oh. You would love to let out a sound,but decided to just give him a thumbs up.

In your room again two cats greet you with a loud purr from their throat and you kneel down to dance with your fingers through their thick fur. After  they've decided it was enough,you throw yourself on your bed,head on. A muffled scream was heard only a few seconds later. You've buried your face in your favorite pillow,letting out a high pitched scream and kicked your legs on the bed so loud that your cats flee out of your room.

Your hair is messy and you feel exhausted from all that screaming and kicking your legs. But now you knew that there was a hot bald guy down there,cleaning up your mess. A hot bald guy,which head was so shiny that he could make the whole place shimmer.

AN: he's so husband 🤩

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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